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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

"When a person reads something into a question that was never stated in the question, is it (in your opinion) a predisposition of having a bias to the question, either consciously or subconsciously?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) February 26th, 2014

When someone reads something into a question that was not said in the question nor implied, is it because the reader of the question was expecting to find a message or something in the question? For example, if a question would say something to the effect ”Why are their more accidents with Asian drivers than other drivers?” And someone will assume that the OP has something against Asians, or immigrants, or Asian immigrants. Or someone might ask ”Does being at home help SAHM stay more fit being able to do Pilates or some other form of exercise?” Then someone will think that the OP is calling working women fat, unattractive, or that working women are lazy and never workout, or something like that, which was never in the OQ. Do people find bias or an agenda in questions because they have an issue with the subject the question is asking, or that they can piggyback their issue on the question?

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