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Digital photo diary of your life: If smart phones were around for the entirety of your life, what events would be documented on your "Life History in Photos?"?

Asked by jca (36062points) June 29th, 2014

Smart phone cameras and digital cameras now make it so easy to photograph, upload and share photos. Now, the most mundane items and events get photographed. People photograph drinks, food, purchases new hair styles, pets – you name it. If I go to a retirement party or other random event, I will be taking at least a few shots to commemorate the event. Not that photographing these things is new or novel, it’s the quantity of photos we now have of each and every thing that is.

If you recall, in the printed photo days, we’d choose more carefully what we photographed, as having photos printed meant more effort and money went into each and every photo. From when I was little, I have photos of myself in Easter clothes or at a birthday party, but nowhere near the amount of photos we take now. Now there’d be photos of my first baby outfit, every party, the list goes on and on.

It makes me think about all of the events I’ve been to in my life (my very long life LOL) and how, if smart phone cameras existed then, I’d have so many more photos to remember all of these events – parties, trips, dinners, family events, that I’ve lived through.

If you had a photo diary of your entire life, what events would be on it?

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