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BobaStars81's avatar

Why are children still starving in this world and without clean water?

Asked by BobaStars81 (81points) April 28th, 2016

Why are people still starving on this planet?


Last night I went to Disneyland here in California. Most people were awestruck by Disneyland, but for me all I kept thinking about is the plight of others suffering in the world. Surely Disneyland must have cost millions upon millions and millions to create. Countless hours and energy to create this wonderful theme-park…... and yet why are there children still dying on this earth without food????

The prices on things (rent, food, clothing, etc) here in Los Angeles keeps on getting higher and more expensive as the years and decades go on…......... Million dollar houses, but why is there people who can’t even afford a few dollars, none the less even have access to clean water? Why?

After years and years of advanced technology….. healthcare….... why are people still starving in this world?

I really think it’s due to corruption and greed…..

There is more than enough resources on this planet for everyone to have enough food to eat…...

It makes me so angry and depressed and I feel powerless to stop it all…...........



Last week I was walking in Target and saw a woman carrying a $7,000 Chanel purse. While I believe they have a right to spend money on whatever they choose…....... I just can’t help to think money, resources is not correctly shared…........ Why does this woman own a 7,000 purse, but yet so many children starve to death each and every single day??? Why?

How is this possible in this day and age?

Is it because most of the food goes to the animals for slaughterhouses?

Is it because we are racist jerks who believe we are superior and therefore others should suffer and have less???

Why is it ONE child has the option and luxury to get food, water, education, etc…. while another one barely struggles to survive???

The scale seems off and tipped and I wonder if it is on purpose….......

For example the Middle East, we took their resources, fight about their oil. We bombed their cities, killed their women, men and children.

In India and Asia we have sweat shops to make clothing for us Americans.

Are Americans so selfish and greedy? That we believe we have the right to the best of the best while the rest of the world suffers?

OR is this just the way that life is and I should accept it?

Is this just the natural order of things, that some should suffer while others have more???

I am just wondering WHY in this day and age of advancement we still have children dying from starvation…...................

BUT we have enough money for theme parks, The Olympics, etc while others starve to death on a daily basis in third world countries.

Please explain and forgive my ignorance I am just simply confused and want to know the truth…...

Did Americans set it up this way so America would be the biggest powerhouse taking the resources of others and not equally distributing wealth?

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