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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Unbelievers, what defense would you attempt to make (if you tried to mount any) to the Deity you mocked and denied if you indeed discovered you were wrong after death?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) May 16th, 2016

This is not a question of if He exists or not, because this question is for those who do not believe He exists. If one can fathom or bring themselves to imagine the possibility they are wrong and He does exist, this would be a question for them. If after you die you discover the Diety of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is real, you did not go off to the great white zephrum, never-never land, or oblivion as you always believed. Before being sent to everlasting damnation, what defense would you attempt to use to try and save yourself? Again, this question goes to what you would say, if anything, if you have nothing to say, this question has no relevance to you same as if you cannot place yourself in any possibility that you are wrong in your thoughts of the afterlife, there are softer questions out there, I am sure you can find one of those. This is a question to those who don’t believe but can grasp the possibility they are incorrect.

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