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How would you assign a shortcut key to turn on/off your wifi or internet connection?

Asked by RZ71 (61points) August 25th, 2016

Good morning!

In a nutshell (as the question implies), I would like to know how to assign a shortcut key to turning my wifi or internet connection on or off.
I have Visual Studio and I am sure this can be achieved by quickly concocting a tiny program that may allow me to do this, but I am unsure of the code I may need to use in association with my wifi or internet. Maybe even just a button that on press will turn on/off my wifi/internet.

I would have tried to do some more research on this, yet it appears that any way I try to word the question, I don’t receive answers I am looking for in specific to what I am referring to.

Thank you for your time and responses.

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