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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are your 10 first memories?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46870points) March 24th, 2017

1. Meeting my little sister for the first time. We lived in Seattle. I had just turned 3. Dad picked me up so I could look in the bassinet. I remember thinking, “It’s just a baby! What’s the big deal?!”

2. Sitting on the floor in front of my dad, around the same time. He was putting on my socks. I was waiting for him to get a sock bunched up and in the meantime I kept putting one foot up, then bringing it down, then the other foot, alternating until he said, “OK, stop. I gotta put your sock on.”

3. Climbing up a wall in the house we lived in in Seattle. I was about 4½. It had slats on the wall for decoration and I’d climb up them like a little Rhesus monkey.

4. Going to my best friend’s house. Her name is Geri. She lived next door. Her little brother, Randy, used to watch TV laying on his back, head toward the TV, watching it upside down. “Silly wabbit! Trix are for kids!”

5. Sitting in time out when I was 4. I was “reading” Prince Bertram the Bad, except I couldn’t read. I had it memorized. And I was “reading” it back wards, in order, beginning with the last word of the book. Mom came and sat down beside me, asked what I was doing. I showed her and she said, “How interesting.”

6. Going into a house my folks were thinking of buying in Florida. I was about 4. Walked into the living room. There was a huge book case that didn’t extend quite from one wall to the other. To my delight you walked around the end of the book case to get to the bedrooms! It was like hidden rooms. Also, flipping a “light switch” that was by the sink or somewhere. It was a garbage disposal. I had never heard a garbage disposal before and it scared the bjebus out of me! To my disappointment and relief, they didn’t get that house.

7. When I was in kindergarten the teacher assigned each of us a cute little animal, and when that animal came up it was your turn to change the calendar. I was a cute skunk. I got so excited when that skunk came up.

8. Recess in kindergarten in Florida. It had flooded after a hurricane and was still really soggy at the far end. We were cautioned not to go there because of water moccasins.

9. Learning to braid on the playground by using pine needles. Chinese jump rope. Swinging on the monkey bars.

10. Putting on a neighborhood hula girl show for all the parents of all the neighborhood girls who had practiced for a week before hand. I was 4.

All of these were before I was 6. They’re just off the top of my head, and there are a thousand more popping up as I type. They’re just random memories. Trivial.

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