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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you have any funny stories to share about your picky eater and food?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46871points) April 14th, 2017

My middle child, a girl, was picky. Picky picky picky. When she was about 6 months old I had her in her high chair, trying to feed her Gerber’s pureed peaches. She wanted nothing to do with them! She tried one taste then clamped her mouth closed.
I tried and tried and tried, but she was adamant.
In despair I put my forearm on the highchair tray, put my head down on my arm, held the peaches up and cried, “Peaches, baby, peaches! They’re good!!”
Suddenly I felt the jar being taken from my hand. I looked up to see her drain that jar, drinking every last drop. I just looked on with my mouth open.
Then she put the jar down and looked at me coolly. I was flabbergasted.
She never ate straight peaches again. If I mixed them in with her baby cereal she was OK with that, so that’s what I did. Along with applesauce and other fruits.

Another time, when she was about 10 months old, we were at an all you can eat buffet after church. I put stuff on her plate that I knew she’d eat, then put what I wanted on my plate, along with a bit extra in case she wanted to try it.
Back at the table I offered her a bit of cottage cheese, which she’d always refused before. She took it this time…...and devoured it. I had to go back for seconds. She has loved cottage cheese ever since.

Fast forward to when she’s about 6 years old. I was at the pediatricians and I said, “She won’t eat anything but bean and cheese burritos!”
My little girl chirped, “Uh uh! Remember that time I ate a whole corn on the cob?!”
Well, it had been about 6 months earlier. We’d gone to a cabin in Missouri with my Mom. On a tight budget, I’d brought all of our food. That night we had hamburgers (which she was OK with) and baked beans (which she did not like,) and corn on the cob (just take a guess of what she thought of corn on the cob.) I snapped pieces in half for the other kids who would eat it, so they wouldn’t be overwhelmed with corn.
I dished everyone up, with just a touch of beans for my Picky Eater, in case she wanted to try them, and the smallest half of corn on the cob. To everyone’s astonished amazement she polished off that whole piece and asked for another! We just stared at her open mouthed!
Well, the pediatrician and I laughed and laughed. I bet she tells that story to this day. “Remember that time I ate that corn on the cob?” SMH.

She hated onions. When I made roast or stews I always tried to get onions out of the bowl I dished up for her.
One time we were eating. Suddenly she sticks her finger in her bowl, comes up with this infinitesimally small piece of whatever on the very tip of her finger and says, “And just what is THIS?”
I glanced up and said, “That is a molecule,” and kept eating
She said, “What’s a molecule?”
Her little brother, who was 4 or 5, announces “A molecule is a tiny, tiny, TINY piece of frog!”
I cracked up! My daughter just stared at him, then back at me suspiciously, and wiped the molecule onto a napkin and primly finished her dinner, vigilantly on the lookout for more frog molecules.

She’s grown now, and eats all that stuff and more. Except onions. She still hates onions. Except she’ll inhale Durkee’s dried onions. I buy an extra can of them at Thanksgiving just for her.

What a wild, funny world.

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