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Should I contact a lawyer or the ACLU?

Asked by jonsblond (43826points) July 10th, 2017

I had a discussion with a local man on Facebook who happens to be my son’s former softball coach, Mayor of a local tiny town and school board member of the school district my child attends.

This was his Facebook post:

After many bible verses that were posted I posted this:

His response:

He also said this but I do not have a screenshot: “We should all accept each other as human beings and not “beat each other up”, either verbally or physically. There has been some very good conversation above regarding this topic. The bottom line with me is this, I agree this may not seem as if it is a choice for some people. As one commenter mentioned I believe this to be part of a spiritual war that is raging within the individual a war that as someone mentioned no pull can cure. I believe there to be a cure and only one cure and that is Jesus Christ. The is plenty of evidence in God’s holy word from people who witnessed healings, mental and physical. If anyone commenting or reading wishes to learn more I would be more than happy to discuss with you in more detail. If you don’t wish to learn then we will just have to disagree peacefully and lovingly.”

This man is a school board member and he is posting this online.
Some history about this man:

I stood up for this man when these past allegations were printed in the local paper. He had me fooled. I want to protect my child and not make it worse for him while we still live in this shithole but my gut tells me I need to stand up for others. My son has a friend who is local and asked their mother what they thought about transgenders. This child has told my son he is also transgender. The mother said “no daughter of mine will ever be a son!”

How can I stay silent when there is a child hurting in my community? My child gets to move but this poor young teen is stuck here. The suicide rate for transgenders is 41% if they are not accepted. What do I do?

This question is not about what I should not have said on the internet. It is public knowledge that my child is transgender. I have a GoFundMe to help us move. Please do not badger me for sharing public information.

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