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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever compared Greek mythology with the Christian stories?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46871points) July 27th, 2018

I think I posted a similar question a couple of years ago…

I shared the myth of Medusa, how she was raped and then she was punished for it. Sigh. Then a Christian came on and said, ”.... (the gods) Sat up on Mt.Olympus and picked on locals…. They started all kinds of bad stuff…..... Breeding with the primitive human race” He was making fun of their beliefs.

I said “Well, God did that all of that too! I mean, who is Jesus’ father? And what did he do to Job if not to pick on him? And what happened if people looked back toward Sodom and Gomorrah? Same thing that would happen if you looked at Medusa.
The parallels between Christianity and the Greek Myths have always fascinated me.”

What other parallels can you think of? Also, did the Greeks believe their myths as strongly as the Christians believe their Bible stories?

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