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Demosthenes's avatar

What is "dirty power" and is my space heater generating it?

Asked by Demosthenes (15217points) October 23rd, 2018

Sorry, this is an esoteric question.

I’ve been trying to understand a problem I have with a space heater.

When the space heater is on low, it causes some strange reactions in the electronic devices in my house, including causing buzzing noises in my microwave and air filter (which are plugged into different outlets in different rooms). It also set off the “overload” light on a power strip I have (which has otherwise never been set off).

I’ve been reading about “dirty power”, but I don’t really understand it very well. But it seems that the space heater draws current in such a way that it upsets the power in the whole house.

Anyone who understands electronics can explain this to me better?

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