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HurtingBrokenWoman's avatar

Can I sue him? (NSFW)

Asked by HurtingBrokenWoman (7points) March 12th, 2019

I have been dating this guy for 7 years, during which we have had our ups and downs. The intention was always to get married. And we have been together since high school. At some point, my family who I was living with at the time decided that they didn’t want me with him. So I left, moving with him to his parents. It was at this point that we had a discussion about whether we could balance both of us working. We both came to the agreement that it would be better if i held off on the job. We had this discussion again later on, same decision. During this period of time, his brother and sister in law did nothing but harass me while he stood there and did nothing to defend me. Due to the nature of his family, I could not defend myself, he had to or he would suffer consequences if I did try. When I finally did try for a job, he attempted to cheat on me, to make out with another girl who was a friend that I trusted with him. My trust shattered, I couldn’t balance keeping the job and my emotions. So I quit. He made me promises that day. Many. One was not letting this happen again. Two was being more attentive and caring as he hadn’t noticed my depression worsening and took it as I didn’t want him to touch me or be around me, which was his excuse for the cheating attempt, since the girl showed him affection. Three was the most important, and it was talking to me about his feelings and giving me the chance to be attentive. Four was giving me access to his phone so that I could verify if he was being truthful and start earning my trust back. Fast forward to today and none of those promises happened, the phone one being the only one, which he proceeded to take away immediately after this big fight. He found a new friend to have a crush on and pursue romantically while still dating me, he hasn’t attempted to cheat as far as I know but he was seriously going after her in an attempt to woo her and steal her FROM SOMEONE ELSE. He hasn’t been more attentive and caring so my depression got worse and worse to the point where I couldn’t push myself out of our room to eat. And he hasn’t spoken to me once about how he's been feeling. He instead has been bitching about me behind my back, claiming he has been attempting to talk to me when he hasn’t, using the same excuse he had when he tried with his first friend “i don’t feel I can talk to you” after he said he would try to be straight and honest with me and have real discussions. We have fought, a lot. I have run away on more than one occasion as I can't see a life without him at this point and there have been a few regrets and hates and blows thrown around. Now, at this point, he has decided to ride me about a job, which we have barely discussed and not rationally. We have either had screaming matches about it or he mentioned it in passing in a tone that can’t be taken seriously (like cutesy, amusing). No REAL discussion. It was at this point, after another shouting match, that he decided that he’s gonna end it cause he’s “tired”. He hasn’t given me a chance to do anything to make him feel better and hasn’t talked to me about anything he's been feeling. His friends who he bitches about me to know more about my relationship state than I do more often than not. I love this guy and have done things with him that I vowed to do with the guy I married (i.e. him) We have had a verbal agreement for years to get married so I have slept with him, I have given him oral, anal, jerked him off, done it with him so many times over the course of all these years that I can no longer look at myself and think that I can ever be with someone else. I have sacrificed a lot. I have given up many material things as well as ideals and emotional things for him. I have sacrificed way too much time and effort in this relationship to just end it cause he doesn’t want to try, doesn’t want to risk being hurt again. So, if things end with me having no say or desire for it to, I have decided I’m either leaving with everything or giving up on even trying to live a life. I am not strong, I am not brave, and he has ruined any trust I have in men and I CAN’T move on to someone else. So, I want to know, considering the amount of times he has said he loved me, wishes to marry me, had sex with me, and the amount of time involved, I wish to know if it is possible to sue him for everything he has. Maybe I’m being spiteful, maybe I’m just angry and taking it out on him, but I don’t understand why I have to lose everything, even my cat, leave scarred and broken, with no home, while he gets to keep everything and move on to some other girl while I get to never have anyone again.

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