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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you list your favorite game where it is good leadership to be ruthless and un-ethical in video games?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24551points) April 18th, 2020

Like Shinen the ruler for nes where you can screw over a military solder , to hold back alone against a calvary charge for a round, and fight in villages to get a bounus while destroying the villages?

Or Baludurs Gate? Where you can meta-cheat from memory where you restart your game from any point with knowledge of where the monsters and treasure are hiden?

What if someone in charge in real life did that?

Like Edward the Longshanks king of Britain who fired on his own side with archers to kill his enemies with no regard for his allies in the way in the movie “Braveheart” story about William Wallace.

Feel free to mention any movie or video game ethics that would be interesting to share with the collective.

Ethics is easy when you don’t give a dam. Like the run a way train question. Where one must choose between running over one person to save 5 who are tied to the tracks. In a game you would pick to save the five. Or an original answer is to run ovet the five and back up the train and kill the witness.

Humor and serious answers welcome.

Edit: Utima Quest of the Avatar you can cheat blind merchants and be a dick but I guess you must be ethical or you can’t go to the next level.

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