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Kraigmo's avatar

Why do people use GoFundMe for funerals? And why donate to such a thing?

Asked by Kraigmo (9200points) June 27th, 2020

Indigent people can get cremation for free from their local County.
So if one has no money, why the need for a funeral?
Why not just get the free cremation, and then host a potluck in a family member’s living room, or the local park… for FREE, and just use that as the funeral.
Why would someone with no money NEED to do something that’s not necessary? (eg paying a funeral home $3000 to $7000 for the “service” of having a chapel and a speaker).
Isn’t that stupid and selfish?
And why would anyone donate to such a thing?
Some people on GoFundMe actually need money for something urgent… such as medical care or paying the rent to avoid homelessness. Why waste money on something optional like a professional funeral, to the detriment of people who have actual needs?

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