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Dutchess_III's avatar

How does my daughter instinctively know which direction she's facing?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46993points) February 6th, 2022

My middle daughter’s sense of direction is uncanny. It’s astonishing to me because I’m so directionally dysfunctional I should get disability.
My daughter, though. You could blindfold her, drive her 100 miles away, stick her in a dark basement, and she could still tell you NSEW.
I got her once tho! We were in Wichita. I know my directions in Wichita. I kept asking her which direction we were traveling. No hesitation and always right.
Then I jumped on South West Blvd!
I asked her which direction. She started to answer…then stopped, confused.
“That’s so weird!” She said. “I don’t know which direction I’m facing!” ;D.

Why can’t I do that? What does she have that I don’t have?

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