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Demosthenes's avatar

Have you noticed the conflation of "grooming" with LGBT?

Asked by Demosthenes (15014points) April 4th, 2022

They were talking about this on the Chapo podcast: essentially, the anti-LGBT lobby in the U.S. has become less overtly religious. It used to be focused on religion, e.g. quoting Leviticus and 1 Corinthians, making the issue about the sanctimony of marriage, “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”, etc. When the same-sex marriage “culture war” was lost, they have now turned to an (albeit not new) association of being LGBT with pedophilia. The “don’t say gay” bill in Florida is needed because if you acknowledge the existence of gay or trans people, you’re “grooming” kids to be sex slaves.

The problem with this “secularization of homophobia” and the “Ok groomer” movement is that it’s probably a more effective argument than the religious one. The religious one was more tailored to marriage (though even that argument had an important weakness, viz. that marriages can be secular), but everyone, religious or secular, hates pedophiles and everyone reacts strongly to the idea that pedophiles might be in contact with their children. Getting it into people’s minds that “LGBT = pedophilia” is going to turn more people against LGBT causes. Getting it into people’s minds that educators are pedophiles and that books in school libraries that have gay or trans characters are automatically “pornography” further weakens the public school system (which is a goal of some lawmakers), and most of all, I think it’s really going to hurt LGBT people in red states, not to mention LGBT kids coming to terms with their sexuality.

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