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SergeantQueen's avatar

How do you cope with a pet having to be put down?

Asked by SergeantQueen (12894points) April 5th, 2022

My little Bruno has Cancer. He has to be put down tomorrow and I am just in such shock. I so desperately want to wake up and have this all be a really bad nightmare.

He has helped me through so much bad shit. He’s borderline an emotional support animal for me and I am struggling so hard.

I have been drinking. I am not doing good at all.

We had to take him to an emergency vet in Florida, and then that’s when we were told it was a tumor. We drove back to Wisconsin a few days later, and on the way we had to send pics to the vet up here. She called and said it did not look good.

I cried a lot and held him in the backseat. He bled a lot because of his tumor in his mouth.

The vet looked at him today and his gums were white from blood loss. He is severely Anemic and weak.

This is honestly killing me. I want my dog to be okay so badly. I can’t lose him.

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