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kevbo1's avatar

I have an interview soon for director of a nonprofit (centered on recovery from eating disorders) that serves an international membership. What can you tell me about relevent future trends?

Asked by kevbo1 (1985points) August 7th, 2023

The org is centered on a twelve-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. We have accounting functions (no grants but lots of small contributions), publishing functions (copyright, print publication), member services functions (event planning, database management of 6000+ meetings worldwide, and customer service), and digital communications (website, social media, search ads), plus HR functions for 15 employees.

We are fairly idiosyncratic in our operations and culture. Many off-the-shelf technologies have to be turned inside-out and upside down to meet our needs, so, for example, we probably wouldn’t be as interested in generating content using AI because we necessarily rely on member testimonials, but we might use AI for images because we don’t want to show the faces of our members (or any real person’s face).

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