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nebule's avatar

To Break or Not To Break? The Spine...

Asked by nebule (16462points) December 16th, 2008

What do people think about breaking the spine of books?

I grew thinking that it was best to rbeak the spine because you could really get into the book and feel like you were reading it. I then met a (rather horrible man who i stupidly stayed with for far too long) that convinced me that breaking the spine was unheard of and sacrilege!! He said that it basically preserved the book and gave it respect….

Which up until now i’ve have gone a long with… but was in bed last night reading Dickens’ Old Curiosity Shop and felt the incredible urge to BREAK that SPINE!!!

So I did!!! It felt good!!! but felt guilty and a little confused!! I feel i can now read the book without rushing through it to the end…as i have felt when not allowed to break the spine…. thoughts???

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