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FLUTH3R's avatar

Who is "The Man"?

Asked by FLUTH3R (24points) May 31st, 2009

While posting my other topic I was just thinking, who is this “The Man”

When people refer to “The Man” who are they refering to really.
Worker: The man is keeping me down
Black Guy: The man won’t let me sit in the front of the bus.
ExCon: The man always be holdin me down

Is The Man the leader of a bank or corperation, or are there multiple men (leaders of corperations) who are collectivly The Man?

Is it a single Man who controls the worlds money?

Is The Man our government as a whole or a specific Man in it (Barrack Obama)?

Is the man a specific white man who is keeping the black people down? or white men as a whole?

Who the hell is The Man?

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