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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Are Americans really thankful for what we have?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) December 20th, 2009

Basically are American as a whole as thankful as we should be? People think that because I can’t say I totally or overly happy with things personally right now that I am not thankful. Surely I am thankful. When I think of the people I contacted around the globe via the Internet I see how thankful we should be. Most people I know don’t have to suffer through rolling brown outs and black outs. About 97% of the time <est> we are not driving over roads do bad it takes hours to go 17 miles. The water is clean (at least not dangerous) and usable; and better yet, running. There is no war happening in the street, I can go shopping and really not worry about a car in the parking lot turning me into pizza toppings. Even many homeless I knew had cell phones. We won’t even mention out health care, even the poor would seem to get royal treatment compared to some parts of the globe. Here in the US when we think if food we think of entertainment or the dining experience, many places they don’t care if they have to eat seated on a bucket or wet ground, that food means their youngest child gets to see the sun come up. With all the squawking about a few ruts in the road, or the water being hard, or the service being bad or traffic taking too long, etc, are Americans really thankful or is there a lot that is taken for granted and not seen as the blessing it is?

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