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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

A question of ego, acknowledgment and perspective. Though appreciative, why did I receive many tributes both public and private for the simple effortless task of reaching 5K lurve, but not a single word for reaching 6K lurve?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) March 13th, 2010

I appreciate the thoughts of all who noticed my 5K. It made me feel like we were actually real friends. Thank you.

This is more of a human nature question. What is it about us, as humans, that promotes us to offer more encouragement at milestone accomplishments rather than those which surpass that milestone?

I know it’s just a formal reason to basically acknowledge the progress of others. And yes, that is a good thing for all to be recognized in some fashion. But I’ve often wondered about the validity of doing so when raising our children.

It seems as a child, we are consistently acknowledged, recognized, and rewarded for the simplest of things. Starting from our very first poop. But as life continues, and we grow older, it seems those acknowledgments gradually fade away, becoming farther and fewer in between. Quite often, the older we get, the more we are scorned by the very generation we once congratulated for pooping and spilling milk on our floors.

What gives?

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