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Just_Justine's avatar

Why does everyone harp on about smoking?

Asked by Just_Justine (6511points) March 23rd, 2010

Yes I know! It’s bad for you, causes lung cancer, secondary cancers. But why isn’t everyone freaking out about the crap pouring out of transport everyday? the toxic fumes being poured into our atmosphere? Certain compounds we have been exposed to in the last few decades that caused lung issues. Many people who never smoked have lung cancer (in families that never smoked).

What if I told you to “move” your vehicle while I am eating in an outside restaurant? Lot’s of people that smoke, run and carry less weight, if you are a few pounds heavier you are at risk of other serious illnesses?

Or ban alcohol which causes, road accidents, accidental deaths, and other crimes?

Should we ban morbidly obese people from eating totally? I mean they have to eat? The Governments shoved smoking onto us, now they scold us? I think if we ban smoking any more we should go the whole hog and ban all undesirable behaviours?

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