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6rant6's avatar

Recommend any Spanish language mystery writers?

Asked by 6rant6 (13700points) March 14th, 2011

I’m looking for a Spanish language mystery writer for a 15 year old in the third year of high school Spanish. She is a James Patterson fan, so something along that line would be good.

The hope is that she’ll get involved enough to enjoy studying with the help of novels. Any ideas?

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7 Answers

Seelix's avatar

I don’t know any Spanish writers myself, but why not try a Spanish translation of a Patterson? If that seems too advanced, you could try a Spanish translation of a teen novel or something else designed for a lower reading level.

6rant6's avatar

@Seelix—Yeah, that’s a possibility. I just thought an honest-to-god Spanish author might be more sparkly to her. Otherwise, it’s about taking the translation (never as good as the original) and rethinking it into English (not as good as the translation). The fact that she can compare the options of reading the original against translating a translation might water down any enthusiasm.

A Spanish language young adult writer would be good. That’s why I put in the specifics about her.

I actually got the idea because when I was learning Spanish (before they had to translate “Cell phone”) part of the course work was a historic novel at about 10th grade level. It was a good way for me to study.

fundevogel's avatar

I absolutely loved Borges mystery “Death and the Compass” (originally “La muerte y la brújula”) by Borges. It’s a short story in his best book, Ficciones. Though I suspect you’d have to have a pretty firm grasp of Spanish to appreciate the Borges-ness of it.

Of course Borges is one of those that you just know you’re losing something if you read him in translation.

Blueroses's avatar

The House of the Spirits (La Casa de los Espiritus) by Isabel Allende is a wonderful story with elements of magic and mystery that would appeal to a young woman.

ruk_d's avatar

El General Y su Labarintho by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.. Very good book. Enjoy.

Spanishreader's avatar

I would recommend Carlos Ruiz-Zafon starting with some of his young people’s books and then on to, The Shadow of the Wind, Angel’s Game, and the two others in the series.

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