Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Are you an early adopter?

Asked by wundayatta (58722points) May 9th, 2011

No, I’m not talking about children.

I’m talking about technology. Do you have to get the latest technological advance as soon as it comes out? Do you get it in the first quarter of it’s useful life cycle (before the next new version comes out) or do you wait until no one else is using them, or skip generations of the technology?

Whatever you are, have you always been this way, or has your style of adoption of technology changed? Depending on how old you are, think back to color TVs, calculators, transistor radios, electric typewriters, the first PCs, digital music players, VCRs, personal video cameras, laptops, cell phones, GPS systems, Garage Band, synthesizer, smart phones, tablet PCs, iThises and iThatses.

Did you used to adopt early, but slowed down? Have you been the same all your life? Does the pace of innovation unnerve you? Do you mistrust all technology or only recent technology?

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7 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

God, no. I wait until I have to, because earlier versions break and are no longer available. I’m getting more and more feline as I age, change makes me cranky.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Nope. Never. I’m not a huge fan of change. I like things the way that they are.

mattbrowne's avatar

No, that’s far too expensive. Still don’t have BluRay, don’t own a smartPhone etc. I will get all this eventually.

jonsblond's avatar

I didn’t get my first cell phone until 3 years ago. That should tell you how I feel about new technology.

We wait until the items become affordable for us. I’ve always been this way.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah I’m pretty backwater about that. About last year I went out looking for an answering machine to buy. I couldn’t find one anywhere. Finally I did, but the clerk at the place told me people basically don’t use those anymore. It’s all answering machines built into phones. I’m like bleh? I have no real interest in the advent of every day technology, and am fine with what I do have. The exception is for video game consoles.
I will adopt and adapt, but usually because I really don’t have a choice anymore. Once DVD dies and BluRay is the only thing available, guess I’ll get a BluRay player. :/ But as of now, the hell with it lol.

Hibernate's avatar


If things work well as they are I see no point in changing them.
But when things break i somewhat do a huge jump over a few generations.

[ one example was my phone .. I had one for like 5 years then it broke and then i bought one close to being top knotch wich I’ll change when it will break ^^ ]

The only exception to this rule is my PC. I need the best one [ gaming / video editing ] so i try to have one close to the best.

blueiiznh's avatar

I am an early adopter of technology because it is what I do for a career.
I usually get to do it on the corporate dime or with vendor loaner equipment in order to evaluate.
It’s a great perk.

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