General Question

FluffyChicken's avatar

What good anti-inflammatory painkillers are available for someone with allergies(details inside)?

Asked by FluffyChicken (5521points) July 28th, 2011

I would like an anti inflammatory painkiller that really works. As far as I know the only OTC painkillers I can take are ones that are acetaminophen based such as Tylenol®, and that is not much good as an anti-inflammatory. I have had reactions to Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen(Aleve®). What else is out there without a perscription?

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8 Answers

josie's avatar

Allergic reactions to ibuprofen. I doubt it. But if you say so, stick with acetaminophen. Just don’t drink.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@josie Why do you doubt it? Are you a medical professional? What do you know that my doctor doesn’t know?

josie's avatar

Just not familiar with immunoglobin mobilization as a response to ibuprofen. Upset stomach, yes. Allergic response? Not sure. But if doc says so, go with it.

FluffyChicken's avatar

OK, so I may be using the word “allergy” somewhat loosely. I have negative side effects. When I take any of the aforementioned drugs, I have dizzy spells, experience ringing in my ears, and sometimes fall over without warning. Not good things to knowingly do to myself at any rate.

JLeslie's avatar

The perscription Celebrex is used as an antinflammatory, but I am not sure if it also typically causes a bad reaction if patients already show adverse reactions to other NSAIDs. Also, Celebrex carries some pretty hefty warnings, so a doctor may not want to prescribe it.

Why do you need to take it? What is inflammed?

FluffyChicken's avatar

My knees and hips get enflamed since I’m doing a somewhat rigorous(compared to what I’m used to) excercize routine. It’s rather painful, and there’s only so much that tylenol can do. See This question.

slopolk's avatar

Olive Oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, and it doesn’t have the same side effects as perscribed medication.

FluffyChicken's avatar

Cool. I’ll try it. Thank you!

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