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deni's avatar

Any tips on finding a lost cat!

Asked by deni (23141points) November 28th, 2011

My precious darling Barry got out this morning…the last person in did not shut the door the whole way and the windstorm this morning blew it open just enough. He has been gone anywhere from two hours to six hours…he has no claws and teeth and there are a lot of cats in this neighborhood that do. I’m also pretty sure he’s never been an outside cat so when he does get out he doesn’t really know what to do. I figured he didn’t go far….in the middle of the night, windy, cold, and it’s territory he’s never seen before since we just moved in two months ago.

Does anybody have any tips they could offer? I looked everywhere, and so did 3 other people….under cars, in bushes, stairwells, windows, under dumpsters and such, rattled treats for two hours while walking around or driving and calling his name….I don’t know what else to do.

He did not have a collar on. Maybe you have been in this exact situation before and there is something I can do I’m not thinking of? I’m so worried!!!!!! He’s the love of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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17 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Most likely he is nearby. I have heard that cats often do not go far and tend to hide nearby.

Alert all your neighbors to keep an eye on their yards and garages and check the trees to see if he might have been scared/chased up into a tree and is stuck.

Put up posters around the neighborhood today and keep searching! Good luck, nothing is more upsetting than losing a pet!

marinelife's avatar

Put up posters with his picture around the neighborhood farther than you would think he could go.

Keep calling him and walking around with a light. We found our cat across a stream from our house in a bank of blackberry bushes.

Jude's avatar

Oh, no!!!!! :(

Make fliers with his picture on it and put them up in your area. Put fliers with your name and number and a photo of Barry, along with info on him (grey or brown tabby) and put them in your neighbors’ mailbox.

deni's avatar

@Jude Ohhhh. Am I allowed to put stuff in peoples mailboxes?! I guess I am, right?!?!?! That sounds like a good idea too. I’m so afraid someone took him in and fell in love and cant bear to turn him over!!!!!!!

Coloma's avatar

Oops, missed the no claws part, well…nix the trees. :-(

Look in your own garage, one of my cats got out once when he was still new to my home and I found him behind my dryer in the garage the next day! He completely ignored my calling but came out when he was hungry again!

Jude's avatar

Call your local shelter and give them info on Barry. Tell them when you lost him, and his description (along with contact info).

@deni When I lost Frank, I did it. When you walk around and see your neighbors outside, stop them and tell them that you lost your cat. Give them a description and your number.

Frank got out three times. He never went too far. The way that I got him back was with the help of neighbors. You’ll find him, don’t worry!!!!

syz's avatar

Leave your information with local veterinary clinics and emergency clinics. Don’t just call animal control and the shelter – go by daily and look (lots of times, the person manning the phones doesn’t actually know what animals are there). Put up posters and pass out fliers.

Put food and water out for him by the door, and keep looking. Good luck.

deni's avatar

The lady at the microchip center said to put his litterbox and favorite toy outside….HE doesn’t have toys but we put his litterbox out. This is the longest he’s ever been out and I’m afraid he wandered too far and can’t find his way back…..

@syz If I put food out, wont the other neighborhood cats just eat it before he does? His food is pulverized since he has no teeth but I don’t think that will deter him. And he probably ate in the middle of the night (actually i remember hearing him gumming it last night, come to think of it) so he’s probably not super hungry :( :( :( :(

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

If he has never been outside before, he could be cowering in a hiding place somewhere close by. For heaven’s sake, if your car is parked outside don’t start it or move it until you are 100% sure he isn’t in the wheel wells or up in the engine. Cats have an uncanny sense of direction. They always know where their home is. If he isn’t coming home, it isn’t because he doesn’t know where it is. I would hang around outside, calling him, at every spare moment and as long as I could stand the cold.

Jude's avatar

This might sound crazy, but, meow like a cat. A real cat sounding meow (meow/cry). I did that with my boy once and he came out. Calling his name did nothing.

deni's avatar

Oh my god, so just as my mom and I pull out of my alley after handmaking a bunch of missing cat signs, I see his silhouette under a streetlight (it was dark out) at an apartment building nearby. I almost shit myself. It was him!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Coloma's avatar

Yay! :-D

blueiiznh's avatar

The puca strikes again. Once you give something up as lost, the puca will return it.

So glad for you and kitty…..

Jude's avatar


Brian1946's avatar


It’s wonderful to see that Barry’s back with you! :-D

Did you meow to or call him and he came, did you go over and pick him up, or did he come to you without any prompting?

deni's avatar

@Brian1946 I didn’t get a chance to meow to Barnabus, just happened to find him right before I would have. Hallelujuah!

glut's avatar

Put a ad in a local newspaper.

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