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codiene22's avatar

Which laxative is the safest when you can't poop?

Asked by codiene22 (18points) June 30th, 2016

Which ones are addictive and which ones are safe ? ...I don’t want to mess up my body too much… I’ve tried senna but still can’t go

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28 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I rather doubt one brand/type is best for everyone, since we all have different constitutions—and I’m sure current age and physical condition have to be taken into account. I suggest you ask your pharmicist.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Senna is what I use

flutherother's avatar

Drink plenty water especially if the weather is warm and try liquorice.

chyna's avatar

Eat foods high in fiber. Apples are good.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Lots of water and Dulcoloax work for me. Unfortunately, I can get constipated quite a bit because of my hypothyroidism, but that combination always works for me.

Also, if you don’t incorporate fruit into your diet, you should start doing it on a daily basis. Fruit will keep you regular.

2davidc8's avatar

^What @DrasticDreamer said. Also, have oatmeal for breakfast. And eat lots of fruits and veggies.

Coloma's avatar

Magnesium citrate. You can find it in little bottles at your local pharmacy or grocery store pharmacy. An effervescent bubbly concoction and works fast. Drink it and go nowhere for the next few hours.

Kicks in within a few hours instead of overnight. An enema can help too, if you’re not squeamish. haha
Fresh cherries and cherry juice works very well also. Then there is the old standby, prunes and prune juice. Maybe have some cherry juice and some prunes. lol
To avoid constipation drink plenty of water, eat fruits and veggies and fiber.

kritiper's avatar

A doctor recommended milk of magnesia for me. Just a small swig usually does the trick.

JLeslie's avatar

Raisins or prunes. Both usually work very well. A handful of raisins and a glass of water.

If you take a drug like Ducolax take only one to start.

dxs's avatar

Have you tried broccoli? Everytime I eat it I have to go in the next few minutes. Then again, I’m not constipated. I used to have constipation problems as a kid, and the doctor recommended Metamucil. Oil also works. I remember another liquid I’d take that was clear and oily, and I loved it. It was CVS brand but I can’t remember the name unfortunately.

Buttonstc's avatar

The safest would be something like Psyllium seed husks or powder.

The reason it’s safe is because it’s bulk forming and natural. Just be sure to drink plenty of fluids with it.

You can find it at any health food store.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’ve used Metamucil and Lax a day. I just eat my fiber in my daily intake.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well, with a name like ‘codiene22 ’ is it possible you are on or abuse opioids? Even when used as directed opioids usually result in constipation.
Opioids are highly adictive. I used to use them alot after several injuries and subsequent surgery. I found that in addition to constipation, I was easily irritated, lost my temper a lot, and just basically didn’t like myself while on them. I could justifiably be prescribed them now. But I haven’t used any in a couple years now. I’ve come to realize that pain (chronic pain ) is just a part of life. As much a being sleepy, or hungry. I tolerate my pain now . It sucks , but it’s the lesser of two evils.

If all else fails, most other suggestions here were plausible. You may have to try several things and see what works best for you.
Either way. Good luck. Peace n love.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Probiotics used correctly is the safest and most natural way to go. They put things in order and you don’t feel as though your intesine is coming out along with the fecal matter!

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Great catch. Lol. I didn’t even notice the username. That does explain the constipation problem.

jca's avatar

If you are on codeine or other prescription painkiller, you need serious help for your constipation, and at this point, veggies and fruit is a wonderful thing but it may make the problem worse right now.

I’d go to the store and get a generic laxative powder or pill and take a maximum dose.

Then I’d try to take a low dose every other day for the duration of your codeine use and see if that does the trick. That in conjunction with fruit and veggies is my suggestion.

How long has it been since you’ve had a bowel movement? If more than about 5 days, you need to go to the hospital.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Spoons of olive oil.

Darth_Algar's avatar

The safest would be to lay off the codeine.

Mariah's avatar

We know nothing about why this person is on codeine so maybe let’s not judge yet. Good luck OP.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Who’s judging?

Mariah's avatar

I’m just saying, we have no idea whether he can simply stop using it. He might be taking it for a legit medical problem.

MooCows's avatar

Eat a stalk of celery every day and you will have no poop problems!

DominicY's avatar

Metamucil seems to always work for me; I suppose if it were more severe I’d try something a bit stronger, but even when I was on vacation and didn’t go for…you know, several days (yikes), Metamucil was enough to get things going again. I guess the issue is not wanting to become dependent on it (or any laxative, for that matter).

jca's avatar

The OP @codiene22 has left the building.

I was going to tell him (or her) that he can always take an enema.

Buttonstc's avatar


Actually, Metamucil is basically Psyllium powder with sometimes added flavors and sweeteners.

There isn’t really a danger of becoming dependent upon it in the same way as with chemical agents. Taking Psyllium in any form is nothing more than increasing one’s fiber intake.

You can’t really take too much Psyllium on a regular basis any more than you could eat too many fruits or vegetables. It’s all just natural fiber so it tends to be self limiting in that way.

SmartAZ's avatar

You should study some books about nutrition so you will know the cause of your occasional problems. For example, when I was hanging out on doomsday forums I noticed that everybody kept talking about “beans and rice” as subsistence foods, so I tried that to see what would happen. After oh, about three days I noticed a suspicious feeling of fullness, and that is when it occurred to me that I hadn’t dumped in oh, about three days. Conclusion: if you have to subsist on beans and rice you better drink A LOT of water.

Your body needs fiber to keep the food moving through the system. It doesn’t take much: two slices of whole grain bread every day will do it. Second best is veggies with every meal. Your gut needs growing things to help digest the food. They are called “flora” which means “flowers”, but yogurt bacteria are a very good substitute. Yogurt bacteria manufacture B vitamins and do not produce gas. When you don’t have anything working for you, the food rots and make volumes of stinky gas. Third, you need magnesium to keep the muscles strong. I mean the muscles that squeeze the food through the pipes. So if you get all three of these, you are pretty well set to digest any kind of food.

Magnesium strengthens muscles, calms nerves, stops cramps, and fights infections. Get epsom salt. It is cheap, five bux for a year’s supply. Put a dose in a glass with water to cover and stir until it dissolves. Fill the glass with lemonade and drink it. You can take it without the lemonade but you won’t like the taste. Milk of magnesia is more expensive but nicer tasting and gentler laxative action. Your choice.

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