General Question

blackbetty's avatar

Which Caribbean island should I choose for a visit?

Asked by blackbetty (425points) February 23rd, 2017

I want to send my parents to the Caribbean for their anniversary. They are in their 70s and very active for their age. They would prefer a mountainous jungle atmosphere over a flat arid island. Their interest include sailing, jeep tours and scuba diving.

Any suggestions?

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9 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Saint Lucia is very mountainous, has terrific sailing and probably pretty good SCUBA.
And the food is outstanding.

janbb's avatar

The British Virgins – particularity Vrigin Gorda – are quite lovely and the sailing is great. We rented a Jeep there once and went swimming at a great watering hole – The Baths.

canidmajor's avatar

Who, and for a helluvan evening, I recommend Foxy’s on Jost Van Dyke.

rojo's avatar

We enjoy Roatan. Do you consider that Caribbean?

Might I suggest you send them on a cruise and hit several islands?

YARNLADY's avatar

^^That is the first thing that came to mind. Visit several islands and expand their horizons.

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blackbetty's avatar

They have no desire for a cruise; It’s just not their cup of tea. They prefer to stay put in one place and explore and get to know the locals. Thanks for the suggestion though.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

I highly recommend the British or US Virgin Islands.
Tortola is a great location as it is central to St John, Peter Island, Virgin Gorda, and Jost Van Dyke, all of which are some of the nicest places I’ve ever imagined existed.
You can reach all of these islands from Tortola in a short ferry ride.
We rented a beautiful house at the top of a mountain in Tortola on airbnb and it was much cheaper than one would think.
You can fly directly into Tortola, but it is usually cheaper to fly into St Thomas and take a ferry over, assuming you are flying from the US.
Now that I’m writing about it, I really want to go back.

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