General Question

Brian_Ghilliotti's avatar

What are the differences between top, bottom, strange, and charm quarks from the standard 'up' and 'down' quarks?

Asked by Brian_Ghilliotti (328points) April 11th, 2017 from iPhone

How are strange, charm, top, and bottom quarks different from the standard “up” and “down” quarks? Are there differences based on the sub atomic weights of these different quarks?

Brian Ghilliotti

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3 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

Standard disclaimer: I’m but a caveman

Yes, they have different mass, but also other properties that make them different.

It’s a deep rabbit hole, but have you checked out Wikipedia as a place to start? There’s an article on flavors

And a handy dandy chart showing each flavor’s properties (along with a good general article on quarks)

Rarebear's avatar

The up and down quarks make up matter as we know it, protons and neutrons. The rest fill in the blanks in the standard model.

LostInParadise's avatar

I have also always found this confusing. I did a Web search and found this article . There are six quarks and the six flavors are just a way of naming them. I don’t know why there are six or how they combine to make other particles. Maybe someone else can help with this.

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