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Brian_Ghilliotti's avatar

Were there cold war era submarine clashes that were suppressed to public knowledge?

Asked by Brian_Ghilliotti (328points) April 26th, 2017

Were there cold war era submarine clashes that were suppressed to public knowledge? This can include Sino-Soviet submarine encounters, if the Chinese navy did have this capability at the time.

Brian Ghilliotti

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3 Answers

cazzie's avatar

Yes. This is one of the hits I got when I googled. ‘declassified military information about submarines during the Cold War’

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not sure, but I always had my suspicions about the disappearance of the U.S. Nuclear sub Thresher. I think that’s the one that came up missing near the Azores. Another disappearance happened about the same time frame (late ‘60s) but the name of that one escapes me. I always figured they were sunk by Soviet subs.

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