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AshlynM's avatar

How much information can someone see if you use their wifi?

Asked by AshlynM (10684points) May 16th, 2017

Out of curiosity, is your personal info stored on their computers? If their computer is infected with a virus, can it be transferred to your laptop?

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12 Answers

AshlynM's avatar

By personal information, I mean login info, like emails and passwords.

johnpowell's avatar

Not necessarily stored on their computer. It could be done.

Back when I was super bored living in my mom’s backyard I ran a open wifi hotspot. Teens across the street in the apartment building would sit in our yard and use my wifi. And I would sit in my shed and slurp up their username/passwords for Facebook. Now Facebook is all HTTPS so it not possible but back then it was easy.

But tons of sites do no use HTTPS so I could really fuck you over if you hopped on my wifi. I really suggest using a VPN. It will force encryption on everything.

imrainmaker's avatar

^^ And what did you do with that info? Chatted with their GFs on FB..)

johnpowell's avatar

Actually… The only thing I did was to post as someone asking them to stop torrenting using my wifi.

I did look around but it was somewhat depressing. I was mostly reminded of the horribleness that was high school and really happy that even though I was living in my mothers backyard I moved way past the drama.

imrainmaker's avatar

Just kidding..) Don’t take it seriously. Wasn’t aware that using free Wi-Fi can land you in trouble (Although it was long time back.)

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

What they can see depends on the wifi router settings and the security on your computers, what skills they have, and whether they have any interest in prying.

Many (or maybe most?) wifi routers have a guest network feature where you have a separate wifi signal with a separate password, that allows only internet usage, not access to anything else on the network.

ComputerWorld – To share or not to share—a look at Guest Wi-Fi networks

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Someone with wireshark could actually figure out quite a lot.

rojo's avatar

Kind of along the same lines but my son was over at my home and used my computer. Now on his home computer he is getting ads for things that I have looked up recently. While I expected to get them since it was my computer on line, I did not expect them to track him down to a different computer.

funkdaddy's avatar

Most viruses still need some action on your part to install, but the most prominent ones are so prevalent because they found some way around that. That’s why you heard so much about the ransomware this weekend, because it used a way around needing your ‘OK’ to run.

@rojo – most ads now will track an IP address, and make a best guess based on that if they see you multiple times from the same address

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

__most ads now will track an IP address_

If you log into a service like Gmail or Amazon , they aren’t guessing. I googled a bicycle bottom bracket on my phone from a friend’s house. That same uncommon item is being advertised to me on my home & work computers.

If I don’t want to be tracked I use the browser’s anonymous mode.

johnpowell's avatar

Or ublock origin and ghostery.

Or if you want to go balls deep.

^ I am somewhat involved in that project. Just thought I would disclose.

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