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imrainmaker's avatar

What is the highest act of humanity you have witnessed?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) August 13th, 2017

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8 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

By highest act of humanity do you mean like the two people who saved my life 30+ years ago?
That ranks up there for me. I owe them a lot.

ragingloli's avatar

During the closing moments of the war between the Iconians and the Alpha Quadrant Alliance, the iconians were on the verge of total victory, and in orbit around Earth, with the species of the Alpha Quadrant facing complete extermination at the hands of an ancient civilisation possessing of superior numbers and superior technology.
The last chance for us was to travel back in time to the point of the Iconian exodus, and ensure that no Iconian escapes their homeworld alive.
Instead we ended up helping the ancient Iconians escape their destruction, retrieving their lost data core containing all the knowledge of their civilisation, and returning it to the present, in the hopes this would be enough to negotiate a cease fire with the present day Iconians. It worked.
The “highest act of kindness” was expressed by not choosing genocide to achieve victory, but to risk your own utter destruction in the hopes that showing kindness to your mortal enemy will achieve a mutual peace.

imrainmaker's avatar

@LuckyGuy – Can you elaborate if you don’t mind? What exactly happened?

PullMyFinger's avatar

When Ralphie protected ‘The Old Man’ in “A Christmas Story” (falsely blaming his having heard ‘The F Word’ on Schwartz…..)

LuckyGuy's avatar

I won’t elaborate here. But I will say I have two birthdays now.
They gave me a second chance.

zenvelo's avatar

A couple I went to high school with have adopted six kids over the years. All come from disadvantaged families and have severe disabilities. This is in addition to four of their own kids.

They don’t talk about it much, they don’t seek attention or help. They just see these kids needing a lot of love and the kids wanting to express love.

JLeslie's avatar

The neurologist who waved his fee for a friend of mine who had a child born with some physical problems.

My friends who were there for me when I was in crisis. They were really incredible.

A friend who gave part of his liver to his daughter after an accident. For a parent that’s probably an “easy” decision, and not only selfless, but selfish too I guess. Still, it’s an amazing gift.

A couple who takes in Down’s syndrome children. A friend of mine’s brother had a baby born with Down’s syndrome, and gave up the baby to this couple. My friend was very bothered by it for many reasons, but it doesn’t take away from what this amazing couple does. They have taken in many infants and children.

So many people do so many unbelievably amazing things to help others.

Zaku's avatar

I don’t rate them on a competitive scale, so I couldn’t say.

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