General Question

rockfan's avatar

Has anyone here ever taken a psychological evaluation for a learning disability?

Asked by rockfan (14627points) April 11th, 2018 from iPhone

I may have a learning disability in math, along with some memory problems, so I’m getting a full psychological evaluation next week in order to get disability services for some of my college classes.

Besides an I.Q. test, what does the evaluation consist of? I’ve already had a consultation with a psychiatrist and she mentioned that the tests will include things that “seem a little unusual”, but didn’t go into further detail. Your thoughts?

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6 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Preparing for it is counterproductive. They do some tricks that if informed would not work properly to diagnose a learning disability. Go to your assessment with a clean slate.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve taken evals when young for my friends mom. It had all the ‘what do you see’ pictures etc.. probably 500 questions, took hours. Not sure exactly what it was for though, I’ll find out.

rockfan's avatar

Now I’m thinking of deleting this question before someone goes into detail of the test

KNOWITALL's avatar

You asked! Silly rabbit

Yellowdog's avatar

RedDeerGuy’s advice at the top is best, and I think everyone else is in agreement.

Go in with a clean slate. Do not try to fake anything. People with learning abilities are of above average intelligence—that is how they are detected, because there is such a gap between their intelligence and their performance. So don’t ‘play dumb’.

The brain doesn’t process all the information in tackling a problem, usually because of perceptual problems or other interference.

On my test, I did not even SEE (register) parts of a math problem and calculated incorrectly, even though I knew how to do the math problems. My overall I.Q. is 148. The part of my brain that calculates, organizes etc etc was only like 40 or 40%. Such gaps are called a Depressed score and are what indicates a learning disability.

One warning: There are psychologists who may be licensed and supposed to be qualified but do not really understand learning disabilities. One I went to used by various government agencies actually thought that a depressed score meant a person was ‘depressed’ and that was the source of their inability to perform academically. Also, his calculating my dyscalculia into the other two areas on he came up with an I.Q. score of only 99, and determined that I was not intelligent enough to be doing the graduate-level work I was doing. That I didn’t have a learning disability but was only of average intelligence and not bright enough to be in grad school.

Fortunately the University’s own psychology department had better evaluators who correctly diagnosed my math disability—and were able to cogently explain how this affected other areas as well using test results

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