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Mr_M's avatar

CAT LOVERS AGAIN - What's the best way to keep a kitten from going on top of my scanner? I had to remove the Automatic Document Feeder because her weight will eventually crack the plastic.

Asked by Mr_M (7621points) October 21st, 2008

I’ve got the bitter apple stuff but that doesn’t repel. It only keeps her from biting wires. And I don’t want to use any product (like this stuff the pet store sold me) that has all sorts of warnings on it, especially if you get it on skin. What’s a SAFE product that repels cats? PLEASE don’t say “DOGS”! Thanks.

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36 Answers

syz's avatar

There is a product called a “scat mat” that gives them a small electric jolt (like a static discharge) – it doesn’t harm them (I’ve stepped on them plenty of times myself), and I guarantee you that it will work. The down side is that they can be kind of expensive (although this one seems surprisingly affordable–001422107090&mr:referralID=NA)

The do-it-yourself-er method is to place upside down mouse traps on the surface so that when the kitten jumps up, they discharge with a loud clacking noise. It scares the kitten so much that it never comes back.

The caveat to both of these methods is that you must protect any delicate items in the area – frightened cats tend to pogo around and break things.

A less invasive (and less effective) method that sometimes works is to put something offensive smelling to the cat in the area (citrus, pine, mint, etc) as a repellent.

bodyhead's avatar

Get one of those water spritzers and spray her with it whenever she gets up there. Whenever you leave the room, just put the spritzer bottle on the scanner and she’ll know to keep away. She’ll hate that bottle if you spray her a couple of times.

Mr_M's avatar

You know what? I tried the water on my other cats for other reasons and felt REAL GUILTY afterwards. One of my cats ENJOYED it even.

Besides, I can’t spray water on my scanner, or even near it. The rest of the computer is there.

Is there no fragrance that works to repel?

DandyDear711's avatar

Hi Mr_M – try canned air – I saw this used on Animal Planet on one of those pet training shows. Another thing might be to put some coins in an empty soda/beer can and shake it when kitty goes where you don’t want to. I have trained my cat to use places I want her to use with catnip. That is all I have… Good Luck!

tonedef's avatar

It might be slightly unsightly, but you can put a sheet of aluminum foil on top. Cats won’t go near it: they hate the noise!

I’d stress using a liquid-free method so close to expensive computer equipment.

Mr_M's avatar

Aluminum foil? Really?

bodyhead's avatar

Mr_M, I’ve heard that before. Maybe tape down the edges because the cat might knock it off and go ahead and sit there.

Don’t tape it down tight though. Make sure there’s plenty of play in it.

tonedef's avatar

Slightly crinkle up the foil, so that it’s not a flat sheet, and so that touching it will make a lot of noise. This is also useful in places where your cat might spray or pee. They can’t stand the noise, and will not touch it.

basp's avatar

If all else fails, close the door to the room your scanner is in. Unless kitty can open doors, your scanner should be safe.

jessturtle23's avatar

Double-sided tape. It works every time.

PupnTaco's avatar

Spikes, like the ones they use to keep pigeons away.

asmonet's avatar

Canned air works wonders for our cat. I second that.

Then again, she’s insane. If you just act like one of the headhunters from Gilligan’s Island at her she’ll never return to that spot.

Tantigirl's avatar

Most cats don’t like the smell of oranges or lemons, most citrus actually. So you could try putting the peel on or close to your scanner.

Emilyy's avatar

My cat is afraid of loud noises like the blowdrier. If yours is also, you might try making a loud noise in that area a couple times a day so that kitty will associate that area with loud, scary noises and find a more peaceful place to be.

Also, I’ve heard that cats will stay away from dog fur—if a cat is digging in your yard you can bury some dog fur there and they will stay away. You could try that, though it would likely look a little gross to have big clumps of dog fur around your scanner.

Good luck!

Mr_M's avatar

Er, yeah. I think I’ll pass on the clumps of dog fur.

deaddolly's avatar

I use the scat mat that syz mentioned. It’s the ONLY thing that worked for me. I resorted to it after throwing out 2 sofa’s because of cat pee. I’ve used the cans that blow air puffs; too expensive. You could try taping aluminum foil to the top of it…that may scare her/him off.
Scat mat comes in strips…but it does give a little shock…once is all it takes tho.

Mr_M's avatar

Yeah! Look at the avatar of the one who’s telling me to get something to electrocute the cat!!! Oh yeah!!

deaddolly's avatar

Hey! It wasn’t me who mentioned it first. And, you spend a few hundred every month to buy a new sofa and you’d do the same. It didn’t hurt them—and they stay off of it. It was that or that them to the humane society. For awhile there, my house smelled like cat pee central. And you can’t find a home for cats that like to pee on sofa’s. For some reason, no one wants them.

Tantigirl's avatar

syz, the person who suggested the product in the first place, is a vet, so I don’t think it would be a product that would cause harm.

syz's avatar

Actually, I’m a vet tech with 20+ years experience and a hospital manager.

mjoyce's avatar

There is a great, no nonsense way that you can keep your cats off of any surface. The following “Blender Defender” will scare the bejesus out of any cat, no matter how resistant to other substandard techniques.

Watch the videos for your enjoyment. Nothing like a scared leaping cat to make your day!

Celeste00's avatar

The only thing that’s ever worked for me to keep a kitty away from something I have, is to put it somewhere they can’t reach it. Tends to be the easiest solution.

My kitty is going through a driking water out of the glass period. Shooing doesn’t work.

Tantigirl's avatar

sorry syz,I stand corrected… lol

Mr_M's avatar

@mjoyce, 1. there’s nothing enjoyable about scaring a cat like that, 2. I’d have to set the blender up near my computer scanner; 3. I’m talking about a baby kitten I’d be scaring like that. I don’t think so.

@celeste, my kitten loves iced tea and will put her paw inside a glass of it then lick her paw. And I’m extremely limited as far as places I can move the scanner to and still be functional and practical.

Celeste00's avatar

@Mr_M mine does the same with the water when she can’t fit her head in the glass.
Functional and practical usually go out the window when you get a kitten… I used to have to tape all cables together and to the wall up high, and live without a comforter or rug…

Mr_M's avatar

@Celeste, you can say that again. I’ve REMOVED the automatic document feeder until I see if the aluminum foil does the trick. So far, so good.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Cats pretty much do as they please, and the only good way to stop them is to put your stuff in a different room and close the door.

Mr_M's avatar

Aluminum foil FAILED!!! I may have to put something over the scanner when not in use.

deaddolly's avatar

Your kitty’s got meet my doggy. Together they could rule the world.

syz's avatar

The scat mat will work. One or two exposures and the kitten will stay off. You may have to retrain with it once in a while, if he starts to back-slide. And you can use it on other areas that you want to train the cats to stay off of, too. It’s not cruel, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just very startling.

deaddolly's avatar

i’m getting another one. now that my daughter’s in college, the cats have adopted her bed. It’s gotten really smelly.

asmonet's avatar

You know I didn’t even think about this thing, my cat won’t go near it wherever I put it. I think she thinks it will kill her in her sleep. She stares at it for hours on end as if she’s willing it to make a move.

deaddolly's avatar

@asmonet That’s cool!

asmonet's avatar

@Deaddolly: You have no idea, it’s pretty much the most awesome thing ever, then I saw it in Shaun of the Dead and I was sold.

deaddolly's avatar

@asmonet I’m ordering it when i get home!

asmonet's avatar

@deaddolly: WIN! If you’re curious, in the movie you cans ee it on top of their TV in some shots. :)

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