General Question

jellyone's avatar

How long does an iphone battery last?

Asked by jellyone (1points) January 25th, 2009

Looking to buy an iphone. Does anyone know how long the batteries actually last?

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6 Answers

richardhenry's avatar

If I avoid using it for anything other than replying to text messages and the odd call, mine has lasted for an entire weekend away before. If you’re playing games and listening to music constantly, it’ll probably only hold out 7 or 8 hours. In terms of general use, I find that it lasts the whole day no problem and I’ll charge it at night.

jellyone's avatar

really, so only about 48 hours?

richardhenry's avatar

Mmm, 72 if you’re not really using it that much. Generally I charge it every night and it gets to the end of the day with 20/40%.

miasmom's avatar

mine only lasts half a day, but I’m on the Internet alot…you know, fluthering away

Trustinglife's avatar

RH, really, 7–8 hours? I haven’t explicitly clocked it, but mine seems to be done after about 4–5 hours of heavy use. I think I’ve discovered that YouTube takes more juice than anything else, as do some games. Internet takes surprisingly little. (All of that is guesswork from having the phone for mroe than a year.)

richardhenry's avatar

Perhaps shorter then, I’ve never timed it.

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