General Question

punkrockworld's avatar

Is gardasil only effective when you get the shot before you have sex?

Asked by punkrockworld (960points) March 3rd, 2009

And it won’t work if you have already?
That’s what I heard from my teacher and I was wondering if that was right.

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10 Answers

marinelife's avatar

If you have had sex and already contract the virus, then it would not help. If you have been sexually active, but you do not have the virus, then the gardasil would protect you from acquiring it during future sexual activity.

KrystaElyse's avatar

According to the Gardasil website, even if you’re already sexually active it’s not too late to get vaccinated. I would check with your doctor though.

punkrockworld's avatar

Oh okay. And why is it that if your first time was without a condom you’re most likely to have hpv?

marinelife's avatar

Condoms are the best protection against all sexually transmitted diseases. Even after getting a gardasil injection, a condom is a good idea especially with a new or untested partner.

There are a lot of other unpleasant things you can get.

scamp's avatar

@punkrockworld Whether it’s the fist time or the 21st, having unprotected sex is never a good idea unless you are trying to concieve.

row4food's avatar

You should get the vaccine regardless of whether or not you have had sex, or even if you have tested positive for the virus. There are many (up to 100) different strains of the virus and getting the vaccine can protect you from most of them.

My doctor said that up to 80% of people have some form of HPV in their lifetime, many never knowing they ever had it. It is also one of those that men can’t be tested for, but are carriers.

Here is some information from the Center for Disease Control

shilolo's avatar

@row4food Great answer. Since, with rare exceptions, doctors do not serotype viral isolates from infected patients, it is certainly a good idea to get the shot, even if you’ve been sexually active, and even if you’ve had some form of HPV in the past. Likewise, we encourage patients to have a pneumonia shot (Pneumovax) even if they’ve had pneumonia or the herpes zoster vaccine to prevent shingles (a recurrence of chicken pox, or herpes zoster.)

augustlan's avatar

@shilolo Since I’ve already had chicken pox and shingles, would that vaccine do me any good? Would it prevent future occurrences of shingles?

shilolo's avatar

@augustlan The answer to your question is it depends on your age. Currently, the zoster vaccine is only recommended for individuals over 60. And, if you’ve had shingles and are over 60 it is still recommended. This faq from the CDC answers questions in lay terms regarding the vaccine. So, even though it would likely help younger patients, the data are not available yet for us to make any recommendations. I hope that helps answer your question.

augustlan's avatar

Damn, I’m only 41. I got Shingles in my mid-thirties! Hmph.
Thanks for the info, shi.

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