General Question

VzzBzz's avatar

If you do something you've previously looked down on and you feel badly, is the bad feeling more from the result of the deed or because you yourself went and did it?

Asked by VzzBzz (2784points) March 25th, 2009


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8 Answers

elijah's avatar

I think it’s more about feeling like a hypocrite. I felt like that when I broke down and bought a pair of UGGs. I know that’s not as serious as your examples. I still feel guilty every time I enjoy the comfy warmth. I justify it by never wearing my pants tucked into them, or even worse with a skirt. I’m still not that girl.
wow I sound like an airhead

adreamofautumn's avatar

It’s because I broke down and did it. If I looked down on it before it was probably because it went against my ideals or principles and apparently I let myself down or was willing to trade in those ideals/principles for something and i’d feel like a hypocrite on top of that.

Dog's avatar

It was because in my eyes I had lowered my self set standards. I felt my own judgement upon myself. I knew that it was a selfish act of self – indulgence and once done I must admit it was not worth the momentary pleasure.

Drawkward's avatar

Usually the knowledge of not being strong enough to prevent it from happening (again, and again) gets me.

VzzBzz's avatar

@Drawkward This! Why can’t reason, logic and common sense override greed and instant gratification?

Drawkward's avatar

@VzzBzz Because we humans are living in the moment, a brief flash of brilliance can somehow blind, arouse, drunken, hurt, and intrigue us all at once.
There’s always a part of us that likes that taste, if only a little.

VzzBzz's avatar

@Drawkward Guess that’s where Forgiveness figures in, for others and the self too.

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