General Question

eenerweiner's avatar

Does anyone know a home remedy for canker sores/mouth uclers?

Asked by eenerweiner (444points) April 14th, 2009

I get them often (any time I bite myself) and have tried many things that don’t really work. Have you tried anything that works, or something that prevents them. Orajel works to numb it at first but seems to make it worse and more painful the more I use it.

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13 Answers

phoenyx's avatar

I’ve heard that rinsing your mouth out with salt water can help. Wikipedia backs that up.

eenerweiner's avatar

@phoenyx I have tried that and putting straight salt on them, it hurts like crazy and doesn’t seem to help them heal any faster.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

The salt does numb it though. But you know I noticed my frequency of canker soars was at least correlated with how much pop I drank. I use to get them allll the time too when I drank a lot of pop and now that I don’t even if I cut my mouth it doesn’t always turn into a canker soar, if it does its manageable and goes away quickly. So just cut that out of your diet and you won’t only stop getting canker soars but get healthier too.

row4food's avatar

I use hydrogen peroxide. Pour out a little bit into the cap, the dip a Q-Tip in and dab it on your canker sore. Do this about 2–3 times a day. It works pretty quickly and it’s super cheap.

casheroo's avatar

I switched my toothpaste, to one that does not contain SLS and I get hardly any canker sores.
most commercial toothpaste also contains other things that are not healthy for you:

Judi's avatar

stop eating strawberries and pineapple.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Tanac WORKS FAST! I get mouth ulcers often when I’m about to get an illness (like a head cold or the flu…or just when I’m in a migraine pattern) Oragel does NOTHING for me, nor does salt.

filmfann's avatar

Make very strong black tea, and swish it in your mouth for a minute or two several times a day. Works like a charm.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@filmfann Yes, tea with Tannins work, well also…However, I’m a tea lover and drink it all day, but still get the ulcers…that’s where the Tanac comes to the rescue! ;)

eenerweiner's avatar

Thank you all so much, I’m gonna cut down my cokes, check my toothpaste for evil stuff, look for some Tanac and brew up some tea when I get off work! Oh and learn to quit biting myself.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I get them too; I swish my mouth with baking soda and salt water mix. For ones on your tongue, wet your finger tip, put your finger tip in a bowl of salt, and hold your salty finger to your tongue. It BURNS, but after a minute, I kid you not, it is gone.

quantum's avatar

Herb called spilanthes is great – chew a pinch and stick in mouth where the sore is. Numbing effect eases pain and the herb also aides in healing the wound.

naturegnome's avatar

You can try applying glycerine or one of these home remedies – “link”:

But if they happen often, try and attack the root cause of canker sores.

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