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lilaznstar235's avatar

First aid training?

Asked by lilaznstar235 (53points) May 23rd, 2009 from iPhone

where do I go to get certified?

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4 Answers

Likeradar's avatar

Your local Red Cross will be able to help ya out.

jrpowell's avatar

If you are in the United States the American Red Cross would be a good place to start.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Not only does the Red Cross have CPR and first aid certification classes, but they also have these really cool disaster relief training classes that you can take.

Kayak8's avatar

I used to work for the Red Cross and they try to make a profit from first aid classes (used to be free because saving lives was the goal). I would almost recommend ANYWHERE else. American Heart Association offers CPR (with card good for 2 years, Red Cross is only 1 year—more money) and Heart Association also has a companion first aid course you can take with it.

Many of the disaster response classes are are cool (as indicated) and free (because you need them to volunteer with Red Cross on disasters).

There are also really cool wilderness first aid classes where you learn things you can actually use.

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