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Garebo's avatar

What is it with my Brussels Sprouts, they are all leafy for the second year?

Asked by Garebo (3190points) September 11th, 2009

I don’t know if it is this particular variety, or whether the soil is too rich in Nitrogen. The sprouts are all leafy for the second year now, and I am disappointed because they use to be great. I am growing the Jade variety in Zone 4. What is going on, they are very healthy plants. So, basically, they are a waste unless I want Brussels Spinach.

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2 Answers

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I believe that too much nitrogen produces leaves and no fruit. Here is a good place to get started on what to do for your plants.

Garebo's avatar

Yeah, I agree, that is it. I usually use all organic fertilizers, however this year I used Miracle Grow for the adjacent late planted corn so it would catch up. That stuff has insane ratios and it is urea based Nitrogen which is what most farmers use. I believe it may have seeped over into there root zone.

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