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Val123's avatar

Is there anything that happens on a regular basis where you live, but the same thing happening in another country is world-wide news?

Asked by Val123 (12734points) January 6th, 2010

I guess the UK got hit with below freezing temperatures and snow and it’s headline news on MSNBC! Um…I’m from Kansas. Yesterday morning it was -4, and there is snow everywhere. Drifts up to your thighs. Has been for two weeks. Par for a winter in Kansas. (Speaking of cold…one memorable winter morning I got up, stuck my head out the door to smoke…and instantly snapped my head back inside! I said, “No school today, nobodies going anywhere!” Turned on the TV…with the wind chill it was -50 degrees. MINUS FIFTY DEGREES! Talk about hurting someone!)
But…that’s par for the course way up North. They wouldn’t think twice about temps like that.

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11 Answers

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I know how you feel @Val123. I remember laughing a few weeks ago when there was a cold spell throughout much of the western U.S. I was watching the Conan O’brien show, and he was complaining about how it was so cold in LA. It was as cold as 30 degrees Fahrenheit! I looked over at the thermometer at that moment to see that it was -18 (and this was during the day). That cracked me up.

bhec10's avatar

Well, I’m in that affected are of the UK (I live in the South of England) and it just started out of nothing. One day it was all clear and the next day everything was covered in 25cm of snow. And this all happened during the night. It started at 7pm and almost 24 hours later it’s still a complete mess. That’s what all the fuss is about

Val123's avatar

@bvdshec17 Yep! Sounds like Kansas! It’s been a mess here for two weeks. (Translate please…..25cm?)

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Val123 25cm of snow is about 9.8 inches.

Val123's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Thanks. Pretty decent snow there!

bhec10's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Thanks for doing it for me!

@Val123 Yeah it’s really cool here :) University closed and there’s so much snow everywhere! I’m lovin’ it!

Val123's avatar

@bvdshec17 It’s beautiful, isn’t it!!

JLeslie's avatar

I am not sure these examples really answer your question, but they are on the same train of thought.

Someone is shot almost every day in Memphis, I think in other countries that would be big news, here in Memphis it is just par for the course, not national news for sure. A year or so ago we had two school shootings and an incedent of a women getting on a school bus waving a gun and I don’t even think America new about outside of my local area. Maybe I am wrong? I think if these things happened in London or Tornoto it would be big news to them all over the country, maybe even picked up by international news bureaus.

JLeslie's avatar

I just thought of one other to go along with your blizzard conditions. If it is 100 degrees a few days in a row in a very northern city like Chicago that seems to make the national news. I guess it is because they cannot handle it well.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Yep, definitely the murders. I’m originally from Rochester, NY so there were people killed pretty much weekly. I get the BBC news every morning via email, including a small “Scotland” section. If one person is killed in all of Scotland it’s on the news. Crazy!!

Val123's avatar

@JLeslie They’re just not used to it….just like the UK isn’t used to major snow.

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