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shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

What is this movie called?

Asked by shpadoinkle_sue (7188points) March 11th, 2010

I saw a movie a few years ago on cable. It was a sci-fi made in the 60’s or 70’s. I was about a crew sent to check on a scientist that has disappeared. They found him, but he was the only one onboard the spaceship and everyone else were robots. He was directing the ship towards a black hole because he thought that something incredible would happen. It had a robot, a woman, and 2 or 3 guys on the rescue crew. The robot had a twin on the spaceship, but he was all beat up. It felt like a cult film to me. What is the fraggin’ name of the movie I watched?

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4 Answers

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

It is a Disney film called The Black Hole.
There was a big red robot named Maximilian that should ring some bells.
Anthony Perkins was in it.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Disney? hmm. Thanks a bunch! I wanted to see it again. :)

poisonedantidote's avatar

never heard of it, im gonna go watch that right now too, sounds good.

something amazing would happen if you flew in to a black hole, you would be turned in to a piece of meat string

XOIIO's avatar

That sounds cool, I’m gonna look for it.

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