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joscketSeper's avatar

How can you keep positive and happy enough to continue Work and hobbies when Have medical condition?

Asked by joscketSeper (323points) April 25th, 2010

I have knee problems but i guess i’m used to that so that didn’t bother me that much. But now i have a new thing with my heart/chest. I’m getting worried and then i’m in pain too( not much but it’s there).

I have hobbies such as animation and making animated movies..or making music…These things take concentration and you have to be happy and excited…But i’m not feeling that anymore because i feel like i’m a total mess because i keep getting knew health problems every year.

-Also notice, no insurance
-My problems seem to be rare and would require special testing and no doctor in the free clinics would help me with that
-Also my teeth are getting cavities and stuff. that’s also making me feel bad because teeth problems on top of more medical problems and i don’t afford it.

I had been excited these days, i was making progress on my art projects . Should i keep at it or just give up and sleep all day?

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14 Answers

laxrrockr18's avatar

take depression pills or have more sex

thriftymaid's avatar

I hope you don’t get any more “knew” health problems. Make the most of your time and your life rather than dwelling on what is wrong with your body.

Fly's avatar

There’s no reason you can’t still do the things you love because of these conditions. I know it can be hard sometimes, but try to focus on things that give you inspiration to keep your spirits up. Perhaps watch some of your old animations and go through some of your old music to remember happier times. If you give up the things you love completely, life will be even more miserable. The worst thing you can do is give up, because your body will quickly follow your mind.
I know you’re having monetary problems, but you might benefit from therapy if it’s at all possible for you to get it. I wish you luck and hope your medical conditions don’t get too much worse.

john65pennington's avatar

NEVER GIVE UP! i rarely use capital letters, but in this case, they are needed.

Remember this, your mind controls your body. i understand yours are more serious in nature for lack of medical coverage.

I will say this to you in all honesty, the Lord will take care of those that attempt to take care of themselves. prayer works and i am sending one your way.

What about this? the new healthcare program coming down the road? will you not be able to qualify for medical coverage, then? maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you. its all about attitude.

Just never give up. keep wearing a smile and like the old saying goes “never let them see you sweat”. john

DarkScribe's avatar

Gum disease and tooth decay can lead to heart and other health problems. That might need to be your main priority for the moment.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I find that physical activity helps lessen my main medical problem (depression). I do have to limit the upper body work, an old shoulder injury limits how much I can lift. Whatever exercise you can do generally tends to lift your spirits.

filmfann's avatar

My sister cleans houses for a living, which is very hard work. My sister is a neat freak, so you know she is moving sofas and refridgerators to clean the difficult spots.
She has been living with Lupus for about 20 years. I ask her why she doesn’t quit working, and it’s because it keeps her mind off her problems. It also helps the family budget, of course.

marinelife's avatar

Your medical situation is enough to cause you to be depressed, which it sounds like you are.

Consider taking the test at this site.

It is possible that an anti-depressant would help your depression and also relieve some of your anxiety about your health issues.

Facade's avatar

Hell if I know.
Maybe try to keep your mind occupied. also remember that the better you treat your body, the better you feel. So eat well, sleep well, and exercise as your body allows.

YARNLADY's avatar

With all the ailments you have listed on Fluther over the time you have been here, you could probably qualify for permanent disability, in the U.S. Find a health advocate to help you fill out the required forms.

kittybee's avatar

You’ll be worse off if you just give up

anartist's avatar

This could be a really literal translation of—
You snooze, you lose.

nikki_1234's avatar

The best thing you can do is not look back, and live everyday for it’s own worth. It can seem hard, but once you start looking arond you see all the amazing things that make life fun! Make some new animations, create some amazing new music, sit in a coffee shop with a book and some music people watching and soak in the atmosphere. The more you wallow the worse you feel – it’s proven that getting fresh air and as much exercise as you can manage can make you feel more positive. I hope things go well for you.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m no doc but you seem depressed. I’d go to a “free” clinic and get the basics checked just to rule out major problems Depression/anxiety sucks. Meds do help but are a temp fix IMO if you’re just blue and they can lead to other problems. Take care of your teeth. Get that done ASAP anyway you can. eat better, exercise….yada yada yada.
You know this already, key is to find the strength to get up and go even when you’re down.

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