Meta Question

bobbinhood's avatar

Why do I encounter a strange phenomenon when putting links in an answer?

Asked by bobbinhood (5898points) August 28th, 2010

I just answered a question, and I included sources at the bottom of the answer. I discovered that I could not put ”.com” or ”.org” in the name of the link, or it would not take me to the right place. For example, when I linked, the link went directly to the main page of 4Paws instead of the page I wanted. However, when I changed the link to 4Paws, it worked perfectly. Why does Fluther override the usual linking system when you add ”.com” or ”.org” to the name of your link?

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6 Answers

jerv's avatar

You have to type carefully when you link, and I often find myself having to use TinyURL to make certain links work properly on Fluther.

marinelife's avatar

Because Fluther recognizes 4Paws. org as a link on its own, which overrides the specific page link that you are trying to put in.

SeventhSense's avatar

Just cut and paste it from the address bar.

ETpro's avatar

@marinelife Has it exactly right for this specific question. But see this discussion for more information on handling links to pesky URLs with special characters that don’t work as expected.

bobbinhood's avatar

I realize that Fluther recognizes it as a link on it’s own, I was just wondering why it overrides the usual linking system. It seems like the usual linking system should override any programmed links. I guess it mostly threw me off that Fluther changed it to the link it recognized while still getting rid of the quotes, colon, and url that I put there. I would expect all of the extra stuff to stay since it didn’t actually recognize it as the link I was trying to create.

@ETpro I appreciate the discussion you linked. It is both interesting and helpful. Thanks!

ETpro's avatar

@bobbinhood You’re welcome. THat was one question I sure learned a lot from.

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