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Dog's avatar

How can I retain formatting in Google Docs?

Asked by Dog (25152points) September 21st, 2010

I am fine-tuning my resume which I imported as a Word document and when I view the resume outside of edit it appears different and unprofessional.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

jaytkay's avatar

No answers yet. I think that says something about Google Docs. And preserving formats between different programs in general.

When I need professional looking results, I stick to Word. I use Google docs only for plain text documents.

A few ideas:

Lose the Word formatting. Select all. From the Google Docs menu choose Format->Clear Formatting.
Then fix everything with Google Docs formatting.
But I think even after that the formatting is kinda rough.

Use a free Word-equivalent word processor. Open Office is the most popular.

Download the trial version of MS Office. It’s free for (I think) 60 days.

Borrow a computer with Word

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