Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Does this song tell it like it is, or what?

Asked by john65pennington (29263points) October 28th, 2010

I have been scouring the pages of Youtube for the perfect song that fits todays society of people that just cannot stay married together and their children are the victims. I think I have just hit on an older song, that is even better today, than the day it was recorded: Little River Band…...The Other Guy. Question: Does this song not hit home with you? Listen and give your opinion.

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4 Answers

mrlaconic's avatar

Great song with a very clear message. I am not particularly in that situation at the moment, but there are times when I wish I had it in my arsenal. I have added it to my playlist.

john65pennington's avatar

mriaconic, thanks for listening. i will have to admit, this song gave me cold chills when i first heard it. i have listened to millions of songs and this song just hit home. its the kids that suffer when the parents fall apart.

MissA's avatar

Good song, though I don’t see it as “the perfect song that fits todays society of people that just cannot stay married together and their children are the victims”.

Why are you looking for a song that fits your description of this scenario?

john65pennington's avatar

It’s not personal, my kids are grown and gone. i have answered so many domestic violence calls, where the children are always the “pawn”, between two people. its usually at a point in their life when this is so dramatic for them, that it can ruin their lives forever. i guess what i was looking for was a song that would keep couples together for the sake of their children. to not give up on each other and to work things out, for the sake of their children. divorce is too easy today and the children are always the victims. thanks for asking.

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