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SmashTheState's avatar

[NSFW] Can someone explain lust to me?

Asked by SmashTheState (14250points) February 1st, 2011

I am asexual. Always have been. That means I have no sexual attraction to either men or women. When I was 14 I went to my doctor and asked him if there was something wrong with me, since everyone else in school was talking about sex non-stop and I had to fake interest just to seem normal. He sent me to an endocrinologist who felt up my balls, did some blood tests, and pronounced me physically fine. My doctor just shrugged and said, “Some people bloom later than others.”

I never did end up blooming.

Oh, I’ve tried sex. The machinery works just fine. It was disgusting and thoroughly unpleasant. I’ve been happily celibate for the last couple of decades, and plan to spend the rest of my life this way.

Here is my question: Can anyone explain to me what lust feels like?

Standing on the outside looking in, I am utterly baffled by what could possibly attract people to activity which is, when experienced without sexual desire, quite repulsive. As part of a tiny minority (a study in 2004 in the UK suggests about 1% of the population may be asexual), I often find myself both exasperated and perplexed by the never-ending obsession everyone else on Earth seems to have with what seems to me to be an activity with very limited permutations.

Don’t you get bored? I mean, okay, I suppose I can intellectually understand an irrational compulsion. I get hooked on a video game sometimes, and will play it non-stop for months, even years. Yet eventually I grow tired of it and move on. And a video game has a hell of a lot more possibilities than sex does.

Why? Can you explain to me what it feels like to have a bizarre compulsion to play in someone else’s body fluids?

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18 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

do you ever get a craving for a particularly special and meaningful food? It’s like that except many orders of magnitude more intense. It’s both cerebral and physical, and in some circumstances overwhelmingly intense. And the process of satisfying it is immensely pleasurable.

SmashTheState's avatar

@zenvelo I like potato chips. I can eat mounds of potato chips. But eventually I grow sated, and I anticipate that if I ate potato chips every day for a week, I would probably grow very weary of them. People never seem to lose interest in sex, no matter how much they have. The whole world seems obsessed to the point of insanity with something I find gross and dull.

seazen's avatar

Lust is one of the few things I don’t have control over. I can try to fight it and ignore it, but it’s there. I can’t be cerebral about it: as you said – it doesn’t make any sense to want to share fluis with anyone – and you don’t have to be ocd to find that gross. It just is. Germ heaven.

It isn’t a cerebral thing: it’s animalistic. It’s instinctive and thus, the most powerful force known to man. (In mho).

SmashTheState's avatar

@seazen See, this is what I don’t get. I know potato chips aren’t good for me, so I don’t eat them every day. I love potato chips and probably eat them more often than I should, but it’s not some kind of compulsion which forces me against my will to dive headlong into a bag whether I’m hungry or not. Does it not terrify you to have something in your head which you can’t control? Isn’t that the very definition of insanity? Are you not worried that you may rape someone without any conscious ability to stop yourself, since you haven’t any control over your irrational compulsion?

tinyfaery's avatar

Have you ever had an anxiety attack or have you had a bad drug trip? In both cases it’s almost like your conscious mind loses control of your body and you cannot stop certain impulses, thoughts and/or actions. This is a bit what lust is like. Your hormones and neurotransmitters are working overtime and it is very hard for your mind to block the physical and psychological sensations being produced.

seazen's avatar

@SmashTheState Potato chips = sex? Uh, not. You know those times when someone says if you don’t get it – then never mind. You just don’t get it – for whatever reason. Hey, takes all kinds.

zenvelo's avatar

well, the release, although not long lasting, is pretty easy to achieve, just go masturbate, it’s usually not so overwhelming. but the craving is a lot more intense than that of hunger for chips. Plus when you eat and eat you don’t orgasm. and it’s so nice that people are willing to try again just as soon as they can.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m far from an expert on this but I think that sexual lust has a lot to do with your body’s biochemistry. Hormone complexes are extremely convoluted and vast. There are many hormones floating around in our blood stream that scientists have no idea what there function is.

I’m an elderly guy (60) and I have never had a problem performing or enjoying my husbandly duties.

Have you had your testosterone or estrogen levels checked? Please see another doctor about this. Nothing ventured nothing gained. And you could gain a huge amount of life.

DominicX's avatar


Maybe I’m different than other people, but to me, lust is not some uncontrollable wild irrational urge akin to a panic attack or rape. Sex =/= rape. Lust =/= rape. Rape is not about sex; it’s about power and dominance; it’s about force. I do not worry that I will rape someone because I have no desire to rape; I have no desire to have that kind of power or force over someone. I may have a strong desire to do something sexual with someone (lust) but if it can’t happen, then it can’t happen and I will find another way to satisfy those urges. I also don’t think sex is irrational or “insane”—it makes perfect sense from a biological perspective. But it is true that the whole reason why sex is pleasurable is because if it was not, there’d really be no incentive to do it.

I am utterly baffled by what could possibly attract people to activity which is, when experienced without sexual desire, quite repulsive.

What attracts people to this activity is sexual desire. If you don’t have sexual desire, then you’re not going to experience what it is that draws people to it. Sex is pleasurable. People are naturally drawn to pleasure and repelled by pain.

bkcunningham's avatar

Finally a response I can relate to. I was beginning to think I may be asexual after the first few repsonses.

SkulpTor's avatar

Lust is that first phase in a relationship where you do anything to play in those bodily fluids and love is that time in the relationship where you play in those bodily fluids because you care about that person.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What does lust feel like?

It feels like electricity running through my groin, up my spine, and into my brain almost causing whiplash with its surge of warmth. It’s a sensation. There’s absolutely nothing reasonable about it. It can happen at the most inopportune times and be very inconvenient. It’s a physical need.

Strictly speaking, it’s instinctual: to procreate.

Pandora's avatar

Pheremones is what helps with lust in the first place. It gives you the attraction to the person on a subconcious level. Once you establish some sort of relationship with this person you are attracted to than heavy petting leads to chemicals being released in your brain.
Of course some people feel lust with just a look. Like looking in a magazine of naked pictures but it really depends on how a person is wired. For instance, some people have a lust for pretty feet.
So whether it comes from your brain or the chemicals in them, lust is something that can be controlled out of the mind. Too many things can affect lustful behavior. Upbringing, brain chemistry, pheremones, estrogen, testosterone, or even general health. So lust is never a constant thing.
As already explained it is not meant to make sense. But rather to assure our reproducing behavior by nature.
As to what if feels like, I guess it may be different for everyone but if I had to describe it I would say it is the complete release of control and giving into ones wild nature. Its like letting yourself be completely raw.
Have you ever enter a physical competition and really went for it with everything you got and then won? And through the whole thing you could only think how much you want to come in first and when you win you give an unexpected yell? You didn’t plan to yell but everything in you just kept building up and as you got closer to your goal you could just smell victory.
Well multiply that feeling by 10 at least and you have an idea of what it feels like. Lust is simply a very strong desire. Does not mean that (like @DominicX mentioned) it is like rape.
You can lust after money or a position.
I agree the exchange of fluids are not very attractive but for most people its not about the actual exchange. Thats just a bi product of the physical actions but the physical act of touching and being touched that is the best part.
Its messy but soap and water always cleans things up. I know for me, I never look at my husband and think, wow, hes hot. I wonder what his fluids look like right now. LOL

Smashley's avatar

@SmashTheState – Just curious. Do you masturbate? Do you have that desire for sexual release or are you simply not influenced by your testicles to the level the average male is?

Lust is simply a strong attraction to a person, with the goal of sexual activity. The sexual goal can be intercourse followed by ejaculation and the natural chemical high of orgasm. The goal can be the psychological response from wooing and winning a person’s trust enough to let you join bodies together. The goal can even be simple titillation and arousal, without any real desire to perform a sex act. I’ve lusted after women that I’ve wanted to kiss the toes of and apply clothespins to the nipples of. No “sex” just sexual play. It’s a strong desire for intimacy with another person, with a sexual overtone. Whether or not it means playing in body fluids, or just hanging out and watching each other get off, you can desire it strongly.

Whatever chemicals are at play in the brain, some people are more and less able to control these desires when weighed against the logic of the situation. Yes it is “insane,” but it also seems like a necessary check to human intelligence. Obviously it is not to your advantage to have a child. A child drains your resources considerably and provides very little of substance in return. But since a species that thought like this constantly would die out quickly, it is obviously in the advantage of the species to have certain desires and instincts that can become rational personal goals in and of themselves. It is no mistake that people feel pulled into sexual activity, and neither is it a mistake that parents feel a strong connection with their children and desire to nurture and protect them. They are instincts, they are insane, but they are necessary.

(And don’t you tell me that playing in someone’s body fluids isn’t fun! The risk and the trust necessary gives the situation intimacy, and just like how it’s fun to play in mud because it’s “dirty”, yet the squish of the mud in your hands and the smell of wet earth are very pleasurable, so is it fun to bury your face in another person’s genitals.)

SmashTheState's avatar


Just a warning to folks that this may be a little TMIish. I actually suffer from what used to be called “missionary’s disease.” If you don’t masturbate regularly, then you begin having nocturnal emissions to keep the plumbing working. Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t occur often enough and the prostate stiffens, which causes it to tear when you finally do have an emission. It’s excruciatingly painful and causes me to piss bright red arterial blood for hours, then blood clots for days.


I’m quite content being asexual. In fact, I find it hard to believe that anyone would choose NOT to be asexual, given the choice. If you could give up your bizarre fixation with the noxious goo secreted from other people’s glands, wouldn’t you?

bkcunningham's avatar

@SmashTheState I think there is more to it than “lust” and more to it than goo secreting from people. Oh dear.

choreplay's avatar

A constant insatiable itch

Circular trap the more you fight it the more intense it becomes

Sex includes some of the most pleasurable sensations we can experience in life. To quote DominicX “People are naturally drawn to pleasure and repelled by pain”. But the lust itself brings a physical sensation; hawaii_jake said “It feels like electricity running through my groin, up my spine, and into my brain almost causing whiplash with its surge of warmth.”

The need for ego validation by who will give us permission.

The desire to please those we love

mowens's avatar

I am a sex addict.

I consider myself a moral person with every other aspect of my life. I will not get into numbers because they depress me, but I would bet my numbers for sexual partners are in the triple digits if not quadruple digits. From both sexes. Luckily, I have been able to contain it. I am only addicted to receiving oral sex. I am a selfish lover. If you can call me a lover.

I want more than anything to find one guy to just settle down with. I am getting older. I am now 27. I am just now starting to be able to control my urges. I am down from an every night thing to hooking up about once every month. I do not like it. In fact I hate it. But the longer I go without doing it, the less I am grossed out by it. It is almost like something builds up in my body and I have an uncontrolable urge to have body contact. I tell myself that is how it will start and this time it will be different. After a while I start to believe myself. I know exactly what to say to people to get what I want. I know who to pick out. It is all calculated. I want more. I really do.

Somehow I have come away from this without STDs. I want it to stay that way. I want to be different than I am.

In every other aspect of my life I am an incredibly nice guy. I am very successful. I have more money in the bank then a lot of people my age make in a year.

I have the greatest friends in the world. Some are fellow jellies. None of them are aware of how truely out of control this is. But it has not interfered with my job or my social life. I disappear at random when out on the town with friends. I shut my phone off and find someone to take care of my needs.

As long as I get my release, I am a normal, great guy.

Does any of this make any sense?

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