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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

(NSFW) So... How on Earth would you go about using this sex toy?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) April 13th, 2011

I just don’t understand what you’re supposed to do with this.

It’d probably be helpful if you were all graphic and forthcoming, and not at all “well, you kinda touch the one part to “the area”, and then the other part of the “lady bits” and “the business”, and then you, you know…”

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70 Answers

math_nerd's avatar

Is this from the place with the great policies for returns?

crisw's avatar

It looks like you would put it between your labia and around the clitoris.

MacBean's avatar

Taken right from the page you linked to:
“The Insignia Alia is a vibrator designed for external stimulation. It is great as a clitoral vibrator, but can also tease the lips and the vaginal opening. This could be a great toy for couples as well. One could place it under the balls or even tease the tip of the penis with the Insignia Alia. If used during sex, the external vibrations are intense enough for your partner’s cock to feel during penetration. There are many options and you really need to play around with it a bit to unlock its potential and figure out what feels best for you. It is also really nice just to rub around the body, the breasts, the chest, etc. Again, there are many possibilities.

This toy really is for anyone. The vibration intensity varies from very gentle to quite powerful. At its most powerful setting it is one of the most intense devices for clitoral stimulation I have used, but this toy can work equally well for those who do not want or need so much power. The vibrations start off gentle, and it is easy to find a setting that will work well for you. The buttons to change speed work very well, and it is easy to distinguish between vibration intensity settings. Instead of indistinguishably moving from low to high with no distinct steps in between, this toy feels like you are clicking up and down to a different setting. This means that you can figure out what setting you enjoy best and easily find that setting again the next time you play.

In terms of occasion to use the toy, we have used it for solo play, as part of foreplay, and also during penetration. It worked very well in all of these situations, but really shines as a discreet toy for solo play. Lelo designed this toy to be very very quiet, yet did not sacrifice power. I feel almost bad about giving it one ‘bee.’ Once it is between your legs, it is almost difficult for even the user to hear. This is great not only for not giving your play away, but it also means that there is very little buzzing to distract you, helping you lose yourself in the feeling.”

KateTheGreat's avatar

Well it’d basically just sit in the frontal part of your vagina. I’m guessing the part that vibrates the most would go right on top of your clitoris.

choreplay's avatar

Looks like you would use a combination of direct contact to the outside of your vagina using the outer pink ring and still have you freedom of your fingers, through the middle part of the ring, which the vibration of the inner ring would transfer through (probably the reason for the harder inner part of the toy) while the fingers are pleasuring the clitoris. Thats as far as my imagination goes without starting to shove it into places. Can’t wait to here @willworkforchocolates answer on this one.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Wow, I don’t care how good the external stimulation is from that thing, I’m not paying $115 for a sex toy…

KateTheGreat's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Exactly. None of my sex toys have ever cost over $50. That’s just bullshit!

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@MacBean Seriously? How did I not see that? I’ve been looking for 20 minutes… Thanks

@math_nerd Yes, yes it is.

@crisw Around? Isn’t it a bit big for that?

@WillWorkForChocolate Yeah, sex toys are expensive shit.

Jude's avatar

Without reading anyone else’s response.

Put it on your clit. Loop for you fingers through the lovely chrome and place on clit.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Jude The pink part, or the silver part?

Jude's avatar

Just a guess.

Jude's avatar

Give me that black one, top right, instead.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Jude I’d prefer the rose color over black, but black over pink.

Ok. I think maybe my arms are just a teeny bit shorter than average, which makes reaching with a lot of toys a bit awkward, so I forget that it’s a viable option for others. Possibly. Maybe.

Jude's avatar

While we’re all here. Can anyone recommend a good harness?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Jude Not personally, but I like the site for the reviews.

Jude's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I’m looking/reading.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Just want to share this with the group: there’s another toy called Little Paul. Now, I’m in no way a fan of the monster cock toys, but I feel that calling a toy “little” is a bit of a lady-boner killer.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Jude If you find one, lemme know – I’m also in the market.

Jude's avatar

Sideways, it looks like a smiling inchworm.

choreplay's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate, that’s it!!! Ok what if someone gave you one?

Jude's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs With a previous partner, we had a good quality locking system harness. When I got to wear it, I also had a little fun, as well, because it would hit my clit perfectly. Thus, wonderful orgasms. I want find another one!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Jude Nahh, it looks like ALF’s nose.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Jude That does sound good! I don’t care for ones that are so high.

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc Ok, why? What’s the draw for it, as opposed to other sex toys?

Jude's avatar

@noelleptc Then, I’ll take Little pink Insignia Alia Ringo.

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TexasDude's avatar

Total clit action.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Season_of_Fall If someone gave me one, I’d use the hell out of it!!!!!! I buy toys all the time, I just refuse to pay that much for one.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@noelleptc The G-Spot is where it’s atttttttttt.

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KateTheGreat's avatar

@noelleptc Hahahahahahaha, you’re golden.

TexasDude's avatar

The G-Spot is where it’s atttttttttt.

I concur, and I’m a dude. I love the look on girl’s faces when I ask them if they’ve ever had a g spot orgasm before.

Seelix's avatar

If you look at the variations on the egg-shaped one you originally linked to, it seems that you’d use the silicone part for stimulation. Based on where they place the insertable parts on the more complex model, that’s what the plan is, methinks.

However, it might also be a good vibrator for women who are super-sensitive in the clit area. Indirect stimulation by letting your clit peek through the hole would probably be quite nice for warming up.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard A better question to ask is, Has a man ever been able to give you a G-Spot orgasm? I think it’s a little rarer. ;)

Jude's avatar

I truly could go without a vibe. Fingers do a better job, for me.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Jude I’d be lost without my vibrator. Hahaha.

TexasDude's avatar

@KatetheGreat, lol, yeah that’s what I meant. sorry, been drinking all goddamn day and I lose my syntax abilities when I’m filled with mad dog. Oh god, this is a public forum. Oh well.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Jude I can’t do fingers. I don’t know why. I use to be able to, for a short time, but then I forgot how to.

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KateTheGreat's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard How awful. Hahaha. I just poured myself a drink, hope I don’t do anything silly tonight! Hahaha.

@noelleptc Hell yeahhh. I named my vibrator, The Beast.

Jude's avatar

My ex. boyfriend called his Johnson “Indy”. No idea why.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Jude My ex called his “Godzilla”. It was a bit of an overstatement.

TexasDude's avatar

@KatetheGreat, I’ve already done a lot of silly tonight, and the night is still young. too bad we aren’t hanging out. You’re cool as fuck.

@Jude my roommates named mine the Cock Ness Monster which I thought was pretty damn clever.

Jude's avatar

Perhaps, mine was because it/he was quick (Indy 500)...and didn’t last long.

Jude's avatar

@Fiddle, clever, indeed.

TexasDude's avatar

@Jude, ouch. Oh well. Girls are better anyway.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Fuck, man. If I’m ever in Tennessee, we’ve got to hang out. The night is young and so am I. Tons of silliness will go on tonight!

TexasDude's avatar

@KatetheGreat there ya go, that’s the spirit!

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KateTheGreat's avatar

@noelleptc That’s intense. But it sounds magical!

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc Damn, I read that whilst taking a sip of Pepsi, and now my nose hurts like hell…

Jude's avatar

@noelleptc Now, that’s damn creative.

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc See, I think that might be too much pressure for my vagina. It’d start freaking out that it needed to be saving the world at least 3 times a day, and it’s really way to distracted by sexy things to save the world more than once or twice a year.

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Pandora's avatar

Hang it on your ear and it will talk dirty to you? Just a guess. LOL, Wow I really have no clue.
Defense machine against a really long penis. (has a guillotine inside)
Just read what @MacBean said. Guess it makes sense. Its still kind of odd looking.

mazingerz88's avatar

Uh…wha…oops sorry wrong board…diggity diggity!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@noelleptc I have dubbed my husband- “The General”. My vibe is just known as “Bob”.

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@noelleptc Well…. today is my hubby’s and my 11th anniversary, so I will only be visiting with The General this evening!

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@noelleptc Oh neat! So they got married on “tax day” too, huh? lol

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choreplay's avatar

Only the General???? Doesn’t the general know that things are more swollen and sensative if you visit with Bob and then the general. Please tell me you mix the two, you’re missing out if your not.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Season_of_Fall Oh no, we mix the two quite frequently, but usually, on really special occasions, my hubby has something special up his sleeve and I have no need of Bob. =0)

choreplay's avatar

@willworkforChoc, Ya, wife and I were very pleased to discover this trick. Saw the photo bucket of jellies, you all are a good looking couple.

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