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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

How do you refrain from having a giant nervous breakdown when it's getting near finals time?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) April 17th, 2011

Or do you just check yourself into the nearest clinic 2 weeks before the end of the semester?

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24 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@john65pennington ? I don’t get it…

KateTheGreat's avatar

Lots and lots of alcohol.

john65pennington's avatar

Its part of slang of the english language.

wundayatta's avatar

Well, what I wish I had known is that it really won’t matter that much over the long term. School is just not as important as we think it is at that age. It’s important, but it’s not worth having a nervous breakdown over, except if you parents are on your case, too.

The thing is, if you don’t care so much, you relax, and if you relax, you do better.

I was always a good test taker. So I relied on last minute cramming, but I also always got sleep. Turns out the sleep part is very important. I did pretty well in most cases.

Make no mistake. I wanted A’s. But a B+ was ok, too. Besides which, many of these tests are only one part of the grade. Depends on the course, of course.

john65pennington's avatar

2nd Answer.

Cramming the night before a big test always works for me. I retain most of what I have studied the night before, just long enough to hopefully ace the test.

Prepare yourself to study. Have your study material close at hand, find a quite place to be alone, no cellphone, no television and say a small prayer that you remember tomorrow, what you have studied tonight.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I think I’m the only college student that doesn’t study in abundance. I’d hate to have to cram before a final. >.<

wundayatta's avatar

@KatetheGreat It’s always better to do that. If you plan right and do your work, you won’t have to cram. Although most people do that, anyway, just out of nervousness.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I have bigger problems. Seriously, before kids and other events in my life, I did really freak around midterms and finals. When life got more complicated than just academics, I had less of myself to devote to them and hence to breaking down over them. I have more of a perspective now, having gone through many degrees and on my way to begin a journey for yet another one. These times, these midterm atrocities aren’t worthy of my breaking down.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@KatetheGreat I’m pretty good with just light cramming, because I retain info pretty well if it’s presented to me in lecture form, so long as I understand it the first time around. It’s the papers and non-rote that really freak me out.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I’m one of those lucky kids that can hear or read something once and never have to study it again. I’m sooo thankful!

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@KatetheGreat Ah, so you’re one of the assholes who always sits next to me? Everyone else in the class takes notes, but I always manage to sit next to the 5 students who don’t…

KateTheGreat's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I take mental notes! I know, it makes people angry sometimes…

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@KatetheGreat Not your fault, it’s just one of those things…

yankeetooter's avatar

The last time I had a final I studied for 30 hours for it over 5 days…

faye's avatar

I’m a little amazed- do young people not know the ‘take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning’? I found exam time stressful, too. I find if I write things down, I remember them better than a handout.

graynett's avatar

Go by what you know, not by how you feel. Feelings are not facts, you can be upset by imaginary fact! as easy as you can, by real fact.

everephebe's avatar

Well for me, it’s really just a scheduling conflict, that I can never fit one into my last couple of weeks. They’re too hard to squeeze one in, especially last minute. You know far too busy, making up for all my earlier procrastination & such. I usually pencil (in case I need to re-schedule) a nervous breakdown sometime in between semesters.

That way I can devote my full attention to nervously breaking down in a giant way at home, instead of multitasking trying to study or write papers while sobbing and rocking gently back and forth on the floor of my dorm room.

bob_'s avatar

I paid attention during the semester.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@faye I know it in reference to being drunk. But I’m not drunk, and aspirin doesn’t have a whole lot of effect on the central nervous system. So I guess not.

Foolaholic's avatar

I find that in those situations, a little bit of weed goes a long way. When a project or paper has got me wigging out, I take a couple deep breaths, cough a few times, and take maybe an hour break in which I meditate to music, play some hacky sac or catch up on some chores.

faye's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs It was a slam against doctors who would never make house calls, I think. The doctor just said’ Take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning’ and charged for it.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Foolaholic I’m a fan of that, too, I just wish it didn’t render me completely incapable of doing homework while high.

Foolaholic's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs I know what you mean. I said “a little bit” out of experience :P

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