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Is it true dogs don't go to heaven?

Asked by JLeslie (65513points) April 21st, 2011

I was at a memorial service a couple of days ago and at one point a religious man, or clergy, not sure, of some sort stood before us and gave the oddest speech. Well, odd to me. Anyway, he mentioned that our pets do not go to heaven, because heaven is a place for humans, and animals are subhuman. I had never heard this before.

The person who had past away was Catholic, but this guy, the one who spoke, might have been some other sort of Christianity? He was not a priest for sure, no collar. In fact, I find it hard to wrap my brain around the idea that he might have been Catholic?

He spoke of heaven not being a place in the sky or on a planet. Was that a slight against Scienologists and Mormons? While trying to honor this wonderful woman who died after years of cancer?

And, gave an analogy about family visiting family members in prison, and that God’s love is eternal and unwavering, no matter what we do, like those who sill love and stand by the prisoners. Does this sound wierd to anyone else?

Anyway, is this word subhuman thrown around a lot in Christianity? Or, among Catholics? Is this part of the reason evolution is seemingly abhorrent to Christians?

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